Chapter 15: Pursuing a Vision

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The following day, Aanya was filled with anticipation as she walked into the office. Her mind was focused on one thing—the vision of the virtual reality game she had discussed with Rahul. But before the dream could become a reality, there was one crucial step that needed to be taken—convincing her boss to support the project.

Aanya found Aditi at her desk, her gaze glued to her computer screen. With a determined smile, Aanya walked over and leaned in. "Aditi, I've got something big to share."

Aditi turned, her curiosity evident. "What is it, Aanya?"

Aanya's excitement was palpable. "Remember the idea Rahul and I were discussing at the party? The virtual reality game that allows players to experience life as the opposite gender?"

Aditi's eyes widened. "Of course, I remember. You want to turn that idea into a reality?"

Aanya nodded. "Exactly. Rahul's on board, and I wanted to know if you're interested too."

Aditi's grin was infectious. "You know I'm in! It's a fantastic concept."


Later that day, Aanya and Aditi found themselves sitting across from their manager, Mr. Kapoor, in a conference room. Aanya took a deep breath, her heart pounding with a mixture of nervousness and excitement.

"Mr. Kapoor, we have a proposal that we believe could be a game-changer," Aanya began, her voice steady.

Mr. Kapoor leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Go on."

Aanya explained the concept of the virtual reality game, highlighting its potential to foster empathy and understanding among players. She emphasized the significance of creating a platform where individuals could step into the shoes of someone from the opposite gender, experiencing their challenges and perspectives.

Aditi chimed in, adding her perspective to the conversation. "We see this as an opportunity not just for entertainment, but for social impact. It aligns with our company's commitment to innovative projects that can make a difference."

Mr. Kapoor's thoughtful expression was an indication that he was considering their proposal seriously. "I have to admit, this is an ambitious idea. But it's also intriguing. How do you plan to make it a reality?"

Aanya and Aditi exchanged a determined look, their passion evident. "We're committed to assembling a dedicated team and allocating resources to ensure the project's success," Aanya replied.

Mr. Kapoor leaned back, his gaze assessing. "And the budget required?"

Aanya presented a well-prepared budget proposal, outlining the various stages of development, from research and design to testing and implementation. The figures were meticulous, reflecting their dedication to the project's feasibility.

Mr. Kapoor's lips curled into a thoughtful smile. "This is quite a proposal, Aanya, Aditi. I'm impressed by your passion and your vision."

Aanya's heart raced as she waited for his response.

After a moment's pause, Mr. Kapoor leaned forward and extended his hand. "Alright, you've got my approval. Let's make this happen."

Aanya and Aditi exchanged triumphant glances,their smiles lighting up the room.

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