Ashta's 1st world: date in the game world

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It was the next morning and Elsie was actually surprised that Keima asked the girl (who they found out her name was Ashta Twilight) on a date

Keima was playing on his otome games as usual playing 6 games at once "um...divine brother why did you ask her out on a date so early in the process" Elsie said

Keima sighed and stopped gaming for a moment to answer her question "at the pace we were going we couldn't have made any progress in that amount of time when she kept avoiding us" Keima said

"Confronting her was the only way she would agree to the date...although...I do wonder" Keima said as he thought back to the compact mirror that changes appearances easily

"Is she really human..." Keima questions as he crossed his arms "um divine brother should it really matter if she's human or not she did agree to go on a date with you regardless we'd be setting free a loose soul" Elsie said

"Regardless...heh...Elsie have you really not become curious as to why she even came to this school in the first place" Keima said eyeing Elsie with a dark and dangerous smile on his face

"Your scaring me divine brother" Elsie said shaking slightly as Keima's mother Mari was sweeping up the dust and heard a soft knock on the door

"I'm coming" Mari said and opened the door to reveal a girl with a shoulderless long sleeve magenta sweater with bows on the sleeves

"H.hello is...k.k.keima Katsuragi home" Ashta said shyly as Squeak remained invisible to the naked eye "yes he's home are you Keima's friend" Mari said

Ashta nodded shyly "oh aren't you just the cutest thing come on in Keima is in his room you can go and see him with Elsie" Mari said

"T.thank you ma'am" Ashta bowed respectfully "oh you can just call me Mari dear...go on Keima's room is upstairs" Mari said

Ashta nodded shyly and slowly walked up the stairs as Keima was busy talking to Elsie in the dark "so divine one what are your thoughts on Ashta anyway" Elsie said as Ashta opened the door

Elsie noticed and then gestured her to quietly walk inside as Keima thought for a moment before responding to Elsie's question

"despite being overly shy and self conscious about her appearance" Keima started as he crossed his arms as he continued

"She seems to be a sweet and caring girl not all that clumsy she still manages to keep herself together and who wouldn't be nice to someone as sweet as she is" Keima said

Ashta’s face was flushed red in blush after hearing this making Elsie giggle "what are you laughing about this time Elsie...hey what" Keima froze seeing Ashta who had come into the room without him noticing

Keima suddenly felt his cheeks go red in blush and cleared his throat " when did you arrive" Keima said rubbing the back of his neck nervously

"About 5 minutes ago...your mother let me in...I thought I'd arrive early for our date" Ashta said still flushed with blush on her cheeks

"Well...I don't know what you Nevermind forget I even mentioned it..." Keima for once seemed overly flustered just by seeing her wear a shoulderless long sleeve shirt with a skirt

'How can someone like her look divine in anything she wears is she a goddess or something' Keima thought to himself (little does Keima know he's right about her being a goddess)

"I'll just leave you two alone for a moment" Elsie said as she walked out of the room with a sly grin on her face closing the door

"So..." Keima cleared his throat "where do you want to go" he asked awkwardly 'I never thought I'd be so awkward around a girl before...especially one who looks like she came out of an otome game' Keima thought to himself

Ashta thought for a moment but then saw a few of the otome games had some pretty good romantic scenery "let's go here" Ashta said pointing at the last screen of the monitor

Keima looked at her quizzically "you know it's impossible right even if we could go into a game I would have done that a long time ago" Keima said

"It's not impossible for me" Ashta said as she stuck her hand through a portal in the TV making Keima look at her wide eyed

"By now you have probably realized I'm not exactly human...but I hope you will still give me a chance to go on a date" Ashta said shyly

Keima saw Ashta reaching out her other hand for him to take Keima slowly got out of his daze and reached out his hand to grasp it

"Let's go then" Ashta said with a closed eye smile and then they were both sucked into the monitor where the game world was

They appeared in the otome game and Keima was in shock and almost burst into tears at how Beautiful the scenery was

Keima was absolutely dazzled as Ashta giggled at his expression making Keima get out of his daze and look at Ashta who had a soft smile on her face

"You like it right I thought you would" Ashta said as Keima smiled and hugged her out of nowhere making Ashta feel her heart pound in her chest

"Thank you...this is great" Keima said as he whispered in her ear " problem" Ashta said stuttering slightly as Keima kept hugging her until he was done fanboying completely

"Alright" Keima said pulling away from the hug and looked at Ashta with determination "we didn't just come to look at the scenery...let's proceed on our date shall we" Keima said

Ashta became flustered and nodded shyly as Keima grabbed her hand and went to take her to one of the romantic date spots in the game Ashta looked at his hand holding her's and smiled slightly to herself

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