Ashta's 1st world: suspicion

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Ashta had gotten into her disguise as Ayano Kirio and went off to school as she heard Squeak humming in her ear happily

Squeak: "good morning host...another beautiful day for going to seranade the heart fragment target" Squeak wagged her tail

"Good morning Squeak and what do you mean seranade yesterday I was not serenading him...he bumped into me by accident that's all" Ashta said

Squeak: "hmmm...but host was blushing immensely are you sure it wasn't on purpose" Squeak nuzzled against Ashta

Ashta looked at Squeak quizzically "what sort of logic is do I purposely bump into Keima who I didn't know was there" Ashta said rubbing her brows tiredly

Squeak: "hey it could be a possibility" Squeak huffed

Ashta shook her head and pets Squeak on the head with her finger "sure...just keep thinking that" Ashta said as Squeak chirped happily

Keima and Elsie were at school and looked at Ashta as she entered the classroom in her disguise as the new classmate Ayano Kirio

"Divine brother what is the matter why are you staring at her so intensely like that" Elsie said as Keima stared at her and Squeak hopped onto Ashta's head

'What are you doing Squeak' Ashta spoke in her mind to Squeak as she felt Squeak on top of her head sitting on top of it

Squeak: "Keima keeps looking at you I think he likes you" Squeak looks at Keima who stared back

Ashta didn't bother to stop Squeak on top of her head so she turned her head towards Keima and Elsie "is something wrong?" Ashta said pretending to be curious

Keima looked away "not really" Keima said as he starts playing with his pfp but still slightly keeping his gaze on Ashta who noticed

After class...

Ashta was on the school rooftop sitting on a bench while eating her lunch and Keima and Elsie were watching her from the other side of the rooftop

"Divine one this seems a little creepy as how you would call...stalking" Elsie said as she was a little worried about being caught but was already spotted by the pink squirrel

Squeak: "host your target and the demon from hell are both looking at you" Squeak whispered in Ashta's ear making Ashta sweatdrop

"What on earth are they doing" Ashta whispered softly under her breath as she continued to eat her food without distraction

Keima stood up and his glasses glazed over with light " suspicion is that Ayano Kirio and that girl are the same person" Keima said

"Eh...but how can you tell Divine brother she doesn't look like that purple haired girl at all" Elsie said as Keima pushed in his glasses

"I'm so glad you asked...let's look at the context clues...first the shy demeanor that she has seems to be similar to the girl...her ears had turned a familiar blush of red" Keima said

"Second...her kindness was very genuine and didn't want anything in return, thirdly...the pink squirrel is the most observed clue it has been seen with both girls" Keima said as his brown eyes shined with interest

"Which is why I suspect that both girls are the same person" Keima said "Very astute observation but can you prove it" a voice said as they both saw the pink squirrel who was looking at them

"Did that pink squirrel just talk" Elsie said as they both looked at the pink squirrel as it just stared at them

Squeak: "why are you so surprised your supposed to be a demon from hell right" Squeak wagged her tail

"How did the talking pink squirrel know that" Elsie said cowering behind Keima "who are you...what are you" Keima said questioningly

Squeak started running around as a squirrel does Ashta could hear them chasing after Squeak 'what on earth is Squeak doing teasing them like this' Ashta thought to herself

Squeak made Elsie dizzy by going around in circles "divine brother I'm getting dizzy please make it stop" Elsie passed out as Squeak ran towards Ashta

Ashta picked up Squeak by the scruff of her neck making Squeak stiffen "don't tease them like that" Ashta said putting Squeak on her shoulder

Squeak: "sorry host I was just trying to have some fun that's all" Squeak apologized and pouted

Then a beeping went off making Ashta panic 'gotta reapply the magic change before they see me change back' Ashta spoke in her mind to Squeak

Ashta got up not seeing Keima who hugged her from behind "eeek...hey what's the meaning of this" Ashta said red in blush

"I'm not letting you get away this time... just stay where you are" Keima said the beeping got louder as a light shined "eh...don't look" Ashta said trying to cover his eyes

A puff of smoke appeared and Keima found himself face to face with the twin ponytail purple haired girl "please look away" she said covering her face

Squeak sighed and sweatdropped "why...why are you hiding your true face when it's so beautiful" Keima said making Ashta’s face redden in blush

Squeak: "host you should really stop using the magic change for the time being" Squeak nuzzled against Ashta as Ashta whimpered

Keima pulled her hands away from her face " look gorgeous just by looking as you should, you don't need to change your appearance" Keima said softly

"But...I don't like meeting new people as myself it's embarrassing and I always get nervous and stutter" Ashta said with a whimper

"Your not stuttering now" Keima said making Ashta shyly look at him "I don't know why but I feel comfortable around you doesn't mean it's any less embarrassing" Ashta whimpered

The more Keima looked at her the more familiar she looked but Keima wasn't focused on that he was more focused with getting the loose soul out of her

"Hey" Keima said and walked closer to her making Ashta stutter "w.what" she blushed immensely "let's go on a date tomorrow" Keima said making Ashta surprised "Eh!"

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