Ashta's 1st world: the world God only knows (Keima Katsuragi)

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Ashta woke up in her first world and yawned as she stretched and got up out of bed then looked at her reflection in the mirror

"I can't believe it's going to be my first day of school I'm so excited not to mention I have a mission to complete" Ashta said excitedly

"I can't believe it's going to be my first day of school I'm so excited not to mention I have a mission to complete" Ashta said excitedly

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" know...hey squeak how come I'm still looking like my normal self" Ashta said as she pinched her cheeks while looking in the mirror

Squeak: "you see host since your a background character there's no need to change your appearance unless you feel like it" Squeak nodded

Squeak: "you see host since your a background character there's no need to change your appearance unless you feel like it" Squeak nodded

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Ashta took out the magic change compact mirror "then I'll do just that...magic change high school student" Ashta said

"It would be weird if I couldn't look like a normal girl

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"It would be weird if I couldn't look like a normal girl...even if my role is to be a background character" Ashta said as she put the compact change mirror in her bag

Squeak: "let me show you your missions for this world host" Squeak pulled up the mission panel for Ashta

Main mission: kiss keima 2 times- 1,000 points

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