Mystery Night

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School would've been so easy, and almost enjoyable, if it wasn't for the people near me. I don't really know what I've done to deserve such hatred from my classmates. It's not like I personally attacked them or something. But alas, their dislike follow me wherever I go. I was popular in the worst way possible.

During lunch, I walked up to a couple kids having a conversation at their table. The moment they saw me, a collective, spiritual sigh seem to come from each and every one of them. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, guys. How's everyone doing today?" I greeted, with none of the cheerfulness that should be in my voice. Mostly because I couldn't muster it. Everyone sitting at the table seemed to mutter something that seemed like 'fine.', and I shrugged. Good enough for me, "I know you're having lunch and all, but Mrs. Young told me that all of you need to confirm what group you're in for the project, and if you're going solo, you have to tell her that too."

Everyone collectively nodded, although barely. After realizing that they definitely got the memo, I started to leave until a voice called out to me.

"Why don't you come sit with us?"

Oh god. I know that voice anywhere. I turned around and saw none other than Ethan Jones. How did I not notice him before? I mean, I never really notice him, but he never notices me much, either. Our mutual denial of each other's existence made him a low priority on my list, so it was natural for me not to notice him in a group of teenagers.

Ethan smiled at me, a cunning look if I've ever seen one. He had dark hair, like the kind of color you see when the door is closed and there's no light to save you. Just eternal darkness and a dread slowly crawling up your spine. I stared at his cold blue eyes that chilled me whenever I looked at them.

"I'm fine. I'd rather not," I replied. If I was popular in all the wrong ways, Ethan was popular in all the right ways. Deceivingly handsome, kind, polite, and the kind of person to walk into a room and immediately change the atmosphere. I mean, I'm also that way, of course. Ethan let out a quiet laugh.

"C'mon. It'll be fun. We can talk about the school play or something. Aren't you one of the organizers or actors? The last school play you were involved in seemed pretty good," Ethan said, still trying to coax me. One of his friends, Amy or Sophie, I believe, hit his shoulder softly.

"Ethan...," she whispered, "What are you doing?"

I sighed. Trusting Ethan was never on my calendar. He's too perfect, it's unnerving. I would've been the top student in class if it wasn't for Ethan. And that's saying something. He's too...Invulnerable. The guy seems like he hasn't had a bad day in his life. And that's impossible. I'd rather eat knives that hang out with the two-faced bastard.

"I'm not really a part of the school play. I'm just in charge of a few stuff, I'm still not a big part of the production. The same thing goes for the last one. Hell, it was basically a favor really and....Wait, how'd you know I was involved in the school play?"

Ethan flinched, and then he shrugged.

"I just heard about you in it. From some friends."

Before I could reply to him, someone put their hands around my shoulder. I jumped out of mere shock and looked around to see Ace Thorn. Damn it. He smiled at everyone, and some of the girls even blushed. Even Amy, or Sophie, or whatever her name is. I liked her shoes. Very pink. They were quite cute, and I don't give out compliments very often.

"Hey, everyone! Sorry to bother you. I just gotta have a quick moment with Cassie. It's something very important. Isn't that right, Cas?"

"Depends on the definition of important.." I muttered, but nodded all the same. Ethan's eyes switched between the two of us before shrugging.

"Go ahead. She was leaving, anyway," Ethan's eyes lingered on me, "See you later, Cassie. Uh, and you too, Ace."

Ace smiled at him before leading me out of the cafeteria. His grip was too strong for me to slip out of, and I struggled to get out. Then again, I didn't really try. I already knew I would fail. So, In no time at all, we ended up in an empty classroom.

He finally let go of me, and I turned to him.

"So? What is this about?" I crossed my arms. Ace scoffed.

"You know what this is about."

"Do I, though?" I replied. Ace rubbed ran his hands over his face in frustration. He groaned, and then took a deep breath in.

"What's going on with our parents? My dad's acting suspicious, and he only started acting weird after he met up with your dad."

I shrugged, feigning ignorance. I wasn't about to spoil the surprise for dearest Ace. And even if I did want to, this kind of information is better coming from a parent. If his dad didn't want to tell him immediately, then that's his decision. I'm not going to get into trouble just because Ace wants to know a little sooner. I also kind of enjoy him not knowing when I do. I tried my best to suppress a smirk and act unsuspicious.

"How am I supposed to know? You think my dad gossips his love life to me?"

He does, but that's besides the point.

Ace narrowed his eyes at me and scowled. He then pointed at me briefly.

"What's with that look, then?" He asked incredulously.

"What look?"

"You have a very condescending look on your face right now. I mean, you always do, but it seems...Intensified almost. Like you're enjoying this."

What? Me? Condescending?

"I'm not condescending!"

Ace rolled his eyes, and I felt the strongest urge to scratch them out.

"You're the most condescending person I've ever met. Don't act like you're not. Anyway, that's besides the point. You know something."

"Nope. I don't. Sorry to disappoint you."

"Cassie. What do you need? I'll give you anything. Just tell me what happened." Ace stared at me with a desperate look in his eyes, and I sighed. Curse my heart.

"...I don't think I should tell you. But, perhaps, I can tell you that it's something big. Bigger than any of us."

Ace grimaced, and then nodded.

"Anyway, can I go now? Class starts soon, and I don't want to be late so..."

Ace moved away from the door silently, and I left the room. He's definitely not going to have a fun time tonight with his dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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