X: Chapter Ten

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3 years ago

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3 years ago

We loaded out of the car and into the Crist house. Damon's hand was wrapped around my own and I took great comfort in him. Will hadn't even glanced at us on the way over.

The boys practically charged into the dining room, pilling their plates with enough food to feed an army. I walked over to Mrs Crist and kissed her on the cheek to say hello. I looked over at Rika who seemed calmer from earlier. She smiled and waved hello.

I winked as Damon handed me a plate with double my usual portion.

"Don't be in such a damn rush." Damon pushed Will's head forward as he walked behind him. "I want to enjoy tonight." I couldn't tell if the action was meant as a warning or a peace offering either way the atmosphere was tense.

"Where's Dad?" Trevor asked.

"Still in the city, unfortunately," his mother answered.

"Yeah, right."

I looked up at the whisper, seeing Michael tower over Rika as he reached for the chocolate milk in front of her.

It was no secret that their father kept multiple women. Well, actually, it was a secret. One that everyone knew but no one talked about. Including Michael. His mother was the only person I was sure he would never hurt, which was why Rika and I were the only ones to hear his snide remark.

"Hell yeah," Will gushed over some sweet potato dish Mrs Haynes had set down as he piled the mushy concoction high on his plate.

"Hand me two," Damon held out his plate to Kai who doled out deviled eggs.

"Michael? All of you sit down now," Mrs Crist ordered pointing her finger.

The guys stopped and smiled to themselves, indulging her as they turned back around and took seats. Damon pulled me down into one beside him even though I attempted to walk towards Rika.

Michael sat in his father's place at the head of the table, his friends on his right with Trevor between him and Rika on his left.

Everyone dug in.

"I'm going to trust that I don't have to worry about tonight," Mrs Crist warned, picking up her fork and gazing around at the guys. "Especially since you are taking a sixteen-year-old girl with you. Against my advisement might I add." She glanced at me with a raised brow and I smiled back. Any attempt to lie about where I was going tonight was pointless.

Michael shrugged, uncapping the chocolate milk and drinking from the container without answering her. I scrunched up my nose in disgust. Damon laughed knowing what I was looking at.

"We have no choice but to keep it low-key," Kai stepped in and answered, humour thick in his voice. "Michael would lose his spot on the team if we wound up on the news." I could practically feel Damon's eye roll without looking at him. I took his hand under the table and he rested them on my thigh.

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