Hottie said hello

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I rub my sunscreen on my shoulders and legs and face. It's about 97 degrees fahrenheit today in sunny Miami. "Let me steal some of that sunscreen" Brooke said. Of course she would be the irresponsible one and not bring her sunscreen. "Fine, just because your my BestFriend." I rolled my eyes and gave it to her.

Today I stole a magazine from Brooke's magazine basket because my mom texted me saying I was using all of my data. I'm reading and flipping pages thru the magazine and then I hear a long whistle from the other ladder, the hotties ladder.

I drop the magazine and run off the ladder. It's a little boy about to drown in the water because he went to the deep. "Are you okay?" I say in a soft voice. "My doggy is there drowning. I tried to save it." He said while crying.

I dive into the water and grab the dog. I gave the dog to little boy and let the hottie and his partner handle the finding his parents part.

Me and Brooke go back up the ladder. I stop halfway. "Are you okay sky?" Brooke said in a concerned voice. "I'm just out of breath..that's all." I say while breathing heavily.

Once we finally get to the top I pull out a cup of fruit salad. Kiwi is my favorite so I begin to eat the kiwi first.

"I never knew such pretty girls had such talent at saving lives." I hear a voice shout from below. I look at Brooke, brooke looks at me. "Wtf?" We shout while still looking at each other. We both lean out and look down.

It's the hottie and his partner and apparently they have began to start climbing up our ladder. "Hi my name is Lucas Nael." He said with the manliest voice I have ever heard. "My name is Justin Blackwood his best friend."

He had short brown hair and blue eyes. He was tan and had a six pack with biceps and triceps.

*cough cough*
I start to choke on kiwi in shock of his extremely manly voice. I'm not in love but he is for sure my man crush I begin to think and then I notice he had introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Skylar Bancroft." I reply. "And...she forgot to mention her BestFriend Brooke colt." Brooke said wiggling her way in to get to know him.

He raised his eyebrows and then said "Well have a nice day ladies" And then walked away.

"If he keeps on saying hi and stopping by us then we should start to put more effort on our looks." Brooke said. "Oh please Brooke, it's just a hot guy with a manly voice. He's not the 'love of my life' I hope you know." I explain to Brooke while I'm moving on to my raspberries.

She is totally fangirling over him and in all honesty I'm sort of fangirling over his looks as well but, yet again he's not my true love or anything of that sort.

When I was packing my lunch im guessing I felt extremely healthy because for once I packed 2 bottles of water. Yesterday I brought coca cola.

"Oh my god is that a shark in the water!!" Brooke shouts. She grabs the flag that indicates the water is hazardous at the moment. I grab the microphone and say "Please evacuate the water and stay calm!"

All the 15 ladders began to go into the water to help the people get out so me and Brooke did the same.

*1 Hour later*

Nobody got hurt. Our shift was over so we walked to her car and drove home. "Well a whole lot happened today Brooke said while turning her head to me. "Yup." I yawned and fell asleep in the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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