∆•×The Day Before ו∆

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Pic- Bags that Laura is taking.

This past days have been crazy. Tomorrow I'm going to start my one year trip all over the world.
I can't take much baggage with me, so I had a pretty difficult time packing my bags.

I'm going to take:
- a tent, if we need to camp somewhere;
- a map;
- cloths: some hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, sweatpants, jackets, long sleeve shirts, some mini skirts and dresses, ...;
- underwear;
- shoes: all stars, vans, high heels (if needed), boots, flip-flops, creepers, ...;
- CDs, books, some make up, shampoo, toothbrush,... ;
- essential stuff that a girl needs (you know what I mean).

It may seem too much stuff, but it really isn't.
I just hope I didn't forget anything important, obviously when you are packing you never notice you forgot something important until the day you will actually need it.
I just hope I didn't forget anything.

I'm just soo excited because I don't really know what I'm going to encounter out there, I think that is something I just have to find out.

I'll miss my room, my house and my family, but I really do want to do this trip. So for the sake of wanderlust, I'll have to deal with missing some parts of my life.


I'm currently sitting on my bed reading Allegiant (N/A: perfect trilogy ), I'm almost done and let me tell you, I love this serie by Veronica Roth, it just screams awesomeness.

It's the last days of the month, June has been a hell of a hot month. Do you like heat? I don't, I like it mild, not too cold not too warm.

I listen to my phone ringing and reach to grab it to see who is calling me. 'Em <3'.

"Have you packed everything already?' She asks sounding hasty. "Hi for you too, and yes I have. What's with the rushing voice?" I ask with a grin.
"Oh sorry, hi. It's just... I haven't packed everything yet, and it's getting late." She says tired.
"You're always the same" I say laughing, "What do you have left to pack?". "Laugh, laugh. I can't find my tent." And then, I hear a loud bang and Em cussing under her breath. "Forget what I said, I found it!" She says sounding happy.
"Are you OK?" I ask laughing again, and then I yawn.
"Yeah I'm cool, it was just this stupid tent that fell over me." She's probably rolling her eyes, I can just feel that.
"Don't roll your eyes at me", I say and hear her sigh. I knew I was right. "I'm going to sleep, it's already late. See you tomorrow" I say yawning again.
"Oh OK, bye then, see you tomorrow morning, good night", and with that said we ended the call.

I layed in my bed and closed my eyes, thinking about next year, and slowly falling into the darkness.

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