mocha, reduced sugar please

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Gentle rays of sunlight spilled over San Solara, casting a warm, golden glow on the bustling streets. The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans wafted through the air, mingling with the distant sound of morning traffic. You slowly sip your mocha, always reduced sugar, because added sugars are the real killers, not fats, and the industry has been lying to you, and that's important to keep your body fit, but that's distracting you from enjoying the view of the morning fog in the distance.

This cafe is a nice spot away from the rest of the city, since it didn't smell like crap and there weren't any smokers. You always like this spot because of the interesting people: everyone who passed by had their story, and you liked to guess at it in your head. You let your attention jump over to the fact that that lady is walking a chihuahua and anyone who subjects themselves to caring for that rat dog definitely has an interesting life but anyways recently there's been a new girl who grabs coffee every morning, same time as you, and she gets something different every day, you've noticed, and most importantly her hair is dyed this deep shade of green. The couple of times she's caught you looking she's winked, or waved, and you've winked and waved back and she seems pretty interesting but god no you could never start a conversation, that's a bit much, and besides, you're happy watching it all from the side lines. For now.

Oh god she caught me looking and oh no she's walking over please help please help today is derailing very quickly I didn't even plan to have human interaction at this godforsaken hour in the morning-

Her voice was soft yet clear, cutting through the hum of hushed café conversations. Her: hey.

Y/N: hey.

Her jacket's very nice. Wait, did she ask me something? Uhhh, compliment her jacket. My roommate back in college used to tell me to compliment their sense of fashion. Okay, just say something at this point. Get the ball rolling. Say literally anything. Words need to come out of your mouth. Okay it's over, we've fumbled, open your -

Her: I see you around here often, you made this part of your routine?

Y/N: Well, I need sunlight and coffee to wake up in the morning.

Her: what do you usually get?

She peers into your mug.

Her: a mocha! Classic.

Y/N: yeah, I get it with reduced sugar, because I think it's a...

Oh god, there's no stopping this. Can you just seriously talk about something normal... for once in your life? Please don't ruin it with the girl, let's make her think we're normal and interesting but not too interesting...

Y/N: little too sweet, and too much added sugars are bad for me. Sorry.

You emit a weak laugh. Oh god this has completely derailed. Not even, the train has already exploded and vaporized instantly.

Y/N: what's your name?

Her: Kiriko. But you don't have to say it all fancy like that, lots of people call me Kiri.

Y/N: that's a beautiful name! I'm Y/N.

Achievement unlocked: what's in a name?

Y/N: what do you usually get?

Kiriko: I try something new every time! Today it's a cappuccino with vanilla syrup.

Pfft, you knew that already. You're observant like that.

Y/N: did you find a favorite?

Kiriko: I did, but it's a secret. Maybe I'll tell you someday.

She winks, as it sends a flurry of nervous and excited butterflies through your stomach. Oh god this is where it all ends. You're really nervous around girls you like and it makes you break down and say weird stuff and repel them oh god it's happening again. Okay, ground yourself. Listen to the sounds of the city. There's a slight humming, and is that a machine moving? Those aren't cars-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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