𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Though their sexual actions were cut short on the field that day, Dominique and Angel were still able to enjoy their little picnic. While scarfing down the sandwiches and snacks, they talked about any and everything, getting to know a little more about each other than they already do. Aside from discussing their dysfunctional families, to boost their spirits they opened up about things they actually took a liking to. Dominique hidden talent being able to draw and paint while Angel revealed how good she was at doing hair and cooking. Sure it wasn't all that compared to painting like Leonardo da vinci, but she was okay with that.

The duo actually watched the stars once night time came around, and Angel felt as if she was in some type of romance movie for a little while, which she liked. The two would consider it as their first date, though the topic of them becoming a item never left either of their mouths. Even though they hug, hold hands, and literally made out the other night, for now they were just having a little fun. It wasn't anything too extreme, and they both were enjoying each other's company for the time being.

"We only got about three more weeks here, how y'all feel about that?" Hakim suddenly asked the group as they sat around, enjoying their breakfast.

Summer had seemed to be flying past, and nobody was excited about that. Sure half the campers wanted to rush this experience when they first got here, thinking it would be boring and that they would be better off back home with their enablers and addictions, but things actually turned out to be decent. No one was really ready to leave now.

"Great actually! I had it up to here with sharing a small ass space with some annoying ass dudes." Dominique answered with a chuckle, being somewhat sarcastic since he actually became buds with some of his bunkmates "At least when I get back home, I won't get into any trouble for taking a couple sips of bourbon."

"I feel you on that." Hakim joked and they both dapped each other up.

Skai shook her head at the nonsense "That's a shame, so being here didn't change y'all at all?" She questioned the two being that the purpose of this little get away was for them to try and break away from their addictions for good and be in good spirits from now on.

The counselors had such high expectations for the campers here, but unfortunately none of them were going to live up to them. Not after just three months anyway.

Dominique smacked his lips "Don't start judging now, it wasn't gone be that easy for everybody to just knock their habit. I mean being here was a good distraction from the bullshit going on in my life, but alcohol still got some power over me." He sadly admitted.

Hakim waved her off "She trying to act like she ain't gone smash down a couple of pills to snort two months from now. Just gone live happily ever after once she make it back home."

"Fuck you, maybe I will." She argued and none of them knew if that meant she was going to live happily or snort up her favorite drug.

"What about you?" Dominique nudged Angel who was resting her head against his shoulder as she ate her waffles, seeming like she was completely zoned out from this conversation "How you feeling about leaving this camp soon?"

She sighed and shrugged a shoulder "I don't know how to feel right now. Even though I didn't really care to be here the first few weeks, the experience actually grew on me. I had fun, even after my fight, the stupid arguments with other campers, and half the guys catcalling. It was decent, and I'm not really ready to go home just yet knowing theres nothing waiting there but misery." She said flat out.

"I know how you feel. I actually enjoyed myself here and there, though my aunt had to literally drag me here. I actually liked it here more than I expected, and it beats being back at home with some bullshit lurking around the corner. Though we had a little fun or whatever, we still smoked, drank and everything else, so it's not like nothing changed. We just about to head back into the real world and deal with our problems all over again. I mean it was fun while it lasted though."

𝐋𝐢𝐦𝐛𝐨 | A. Haughton x D. SwingWhere stories live. Discover now