new girl ?

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Sky- uhm  you can go back to the dorm . Just warning you I might not be there all the time .

Aaliyah- you mean at all ? You practically live here

Sasha - wow so your just gonna leave me in the dorm by myself. 

Sky- its other girls in there but their just not on the basketball team . They play softball

Sasha - okay I'll go

Evina - I mean If you want you can stay here  for the night  and sleep on the pull out couch .

Sasha - if it's not a problem

All- nah

Sasha - thank-you guys

All- no problem

Sky- well you can stay in here with them I'm gonna go talk to paige

Sasha - Kay

With paige and sky

Sky pov

I open our bedroom door to see paige laying across the bed sleep with her phone playing tiktoks. I grab her phone out her hand and set it on the charger for tomorrow.  As I reach for her glasses she starts to stir awake and looks up at me .

Sky- hey sleepy head

P- hey .

Sky- why are you laying across the bed like this?

P- I was waiting for you so we can talk

Sky - sorry I was out with Sasha and lost track of time

P- of course you did

Sky- what is that suppose to mean

I sense paige getting irrated and I feel a bad sense coming

( as their talking )

Sasha- uhm is their a bathroom I can use to change my clothes

Aaliyah - uh down the hall to your left.  It's right across the hall from paigea room just to let you know

Sasha - thanks

Sasha heads to the bathroom but before she gets there she hears paige and sky talking in thw room . She decides to ease drop instead . She puts her ear on the door as they start to get louder

* this covo is gonna be like from Sasha pov behind the door *

P- I'm just saying,  you promised that we will talk it out then you ditch me for the whole day to hang out with Sasha

Sky - so your jealous?

P- maybe , all I know is the minute you get upset I'm always here for you to talk it out .

Sky- so now your saying I don't care for you?

P- that's how I feel  at this moment

Sky-  for what ? Because the season is almost over in a month and you have nothing better to do?

P- no  because I'm tired of being on the back burner with you . In your eyes I'm not good enough but I act like I'm the best at the same time and I don't know what to do. 

Sky  - I have a feeling that this is just about Sasha

P- there you go again . Making up decisions for me .

Sky - well if you stop acting like a child then maybe I wouldn't have too.

P- well maybe you wouldn't have too anymore then

Sky - so your saying we should break up

P- at this point yeah.  But can I ask you something?

Sky - what ?

P-  the way you were so happy  when you saw Sasha today , I haven't seen you smile like that for awhile.  Why

Sky - maybe , when I saw her again , all of those feelings came back.

P - that's all I needed to know. You can go now

Sky - fine . See you at practice

P - mmhm and while your at , don't tell anyone about this . I don't want no one picking sides

Sky - sure ( walks out )

Sasha rubs to the bathroom after hearing the end of the conversation and hides.

Sky- Sasha  come on were leaving

Sasha - ( comes out thw bathroom and goes to the living room ) already . But I just changed

Sky- yes

Evina  - what's wrong

Sky- nothing I just don't wanna be here

Sasha - k let's go

In Sasha and sky's  dorm

In bed)

Sasha- what happened

Sky - nothing I don't wanna talk about it

Sasha- hey  I'm not gonna tell anyone

Sasha sits next to Me and grabs my face to face her . I don't know what came over me but the next thing I know I'm straddling her waist and making out with her bed. 

Sky- ( pulls away) plz don't tell anyone

Sasha - oh okay

Sky- thanks good night

Sasha - same to you


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