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I sank to the floor. Hands shaking as i opened up the suitcase. What was inside was photos. Photos taken from a distance. Of the same person over and over. Then i noticed a little baggey. It had white stuff in it. It was like he had super human hearing because as soon as i opened the baggey he barged in and shut the suitcase and hid it.

Jaxton: Do not Ever open ANY baggey you find. Do you understand?

All i could do was shake my head yes. Before i knew it he was grabbing our things and running outside. He grabbed my hand and told me to get in the car that we had to leave.

We drove a 100 on the interstate. I felt sick to my stomach from him driving so fast. Where was we going? Why did we have to leave so soon? What was in the baggey?

We pulled into a gas station and i was told to not get out. Out of bordem waiting for him to pay for the gas i went through his phone. There was hundreds of numbers. Then a text popped up.

Did you get it done? The money will be delivered to you wherever you choose death keeper.

I hurriedly put the phone back in its place when i saw him coming. We drove for a few more miles when we pulled into a driveway. At least this house looked better. Although the inside could be differently.

We got out at the same time when a women came to the door. He features soft and warm. He hair turning a faint grey. She looked lovely. I looked at my dark night in surprise. Who was she? How did she fit into all this?

Jaxton: Anna this is my adoptive mom. She knows what i do. She is the only one. She knows about us. Dont be afraid my love.

He grabbed my hand and led me into the horizen.

She hugged me and led me inside. She sat me down on her couch. I couldnt help but feel at home in her presence. Her smile, her warmth engulfed me.

Jaxton went out to the car and started bringing in our things. When he finally finished he kissed me on the cheek and told me he would be back. Then he left. And here i was with a lady i had never met before sitting on her couch hoping nothing was going to jump out and say boo.

Adoptive mom: Anna. May i call you that?

Anastai: of course.

Adoptive mom: good. I hope you know how much you mean to jaxton. Your the first one ive met. I need you to understand something. Something that may take time to fully grasp...Jaxton is a hit man. He started when he was 15 and slowly worked his way up in the group. But thats all im allowed to tell you at this time.

I sat there on her couch listening to the ringing in my ears. Feeling my blood go cold. Body go numb. Then all of a sudden i got up and walked out.

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