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As i woke up the next morning all i could remember was seeing his sinsitive soul displayed on his arm. What troubled me more was i didnt find it replusing i found it intriguing. Everything about him.

I looked at my phone. One missed call from Jaxton. I smiled to myself,just seeing his name on my phone made me smile. I dialed his number back. No answer. My heart sank at the thought of not hearing his voice.

High School
As i walked into my school i looked for my dark night. It wasnt until third period,science,that i saw him. He looked at me. Into my soul into the inner depths of who i was and smiled. My heart fluttered and i thought to myself this is how i will die. All because my crush smiled at me.

A note flew on my desk.
Jaxton: why are you not running like you should? You should be scared of me. What is so intriguing about me? Call me later. I have something to tell you.

My eyes flew to him nodding my head for no reason other than to say i would. My mind raced with thoughts. Thoughts of, what does he have to tell me? Will he drop me like a hot potato all because i wont runaway? I mean for crips sake, its just a scar. A part of who he is! (And like normal when my thoughts race i always face palm myself.)

For the remander of the day he avoided me. When lunch rolled around i sat by myself under my favorite tree. Even though it was cold it felt good against my cheeks. I needed to feel something and the ice cold wind against my cheeks was doing the trick. As i looked up i saw my dark night jump into a car and take off.

Monday Night
As i looked at my ceiling i decided i couldnt put off calling Jaxton. I needed to get this out of the way now so if i needed to i could process everything later. As my hand reached for my phone i noticed my fingers trembling as i dialed in his number.
One ring...
Two ring...
Three ring...
Jaxton: Hello?

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