"Happy New Year's Eve to you too." Her eyebrow raised, finally placing her hand on top of his once it rested against her thigh again. "Hasn't even been 5 minutes yet and you getting carried away." She mumbled, moving his hand off of her.

"Right, lemme get a lil more carried away." He nodded, and before her eyes could come down in a blink, she felt a tight grasp along her throat forcing her head closer.

She melted into him the second his lips pressed against hers, initiating the slow kiss that inched her body closer and closer to his that leant up against the door. Their lips moved so slowly, yet eager amongst one another, as her arms gradually snaked up around his neck to deepen the intimacy between them.

Her tongue swirled around his, tangling in with the way his appendage wrapped around her own. She couldn't contain the small moan that released into his mouth from the way his hands roamed her body, physically staking claim of what he undeniably deemed as his. No matter their status or how much time passed between them.

"Pretty ass." He mumbled, pecking her lips one more time before allowing her to pull her head back. Her body, however, remained planted atop his lap that she found comfort in.

His words brought a blush to her cheeks that flushed out as she pulled her phone from her purse that sat behind her. She scrolled aimlessly while he popped open the bottle he had, Amerie smelling the aroma of the dark liquor confined in the Hennessy bottle.

"We have the best wine in here and you're drinking Henny, let it go for one night Syre." She sighed, leaning back ever so slightly to eye him.

Although he paid her no mind, keeping he hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle with the other gently held against her waist. Amerie took the time to really admire his all black attire, his usual choice in clothing. He wore designer from head to toe, and it was evident from the dress pants to the diamond encrusted blazer with the sleeves folded to the elbows.

The double nose piercings, sporting a stud and hoop, sparkled the same way his grillz did. His face was completely clean aside from his goatee; clearly being the result of a fresh shave that went alongside his lineup for the curls that danced around his head. He didn't go out without the darkness of his limo tint shades covering his eyes, as always.

"I drink what I want, I'm rich." He grinned, allowing the diamonds within his mouth to shine against the light in the back.

Smiling to herself, Amerie pressed a small kiss against his neck before placing her attention back on her phone. Specifically her camera roll that highlighted memories from some previous New Years Eve from years prior.

"This is what we were doing on New Years when you got out of jail, before Lani." She smiled, showing the picture of their bodies laid in the middle of her bed with her legs dangling over his shoulders. Amerie took the picture using the ceiling mirror they had, allowing for nothing but the silhouettes of their bodies to be seen through the red lighting as the phone covered her face.

"How much shit you got in this lil phone, you got more stuff from us than I do." He mumbled, sliding left to see a video of the moment. The sound of her moans filled the backseat of the car they sat in, bringing Syre's eyes down to her widened ones that looked to him. "Pretty ass moans, we not bout to make it to the club." He smirked, continuing to flip through her hidden camera roll.

From nudes, to sextapes, to pictures of their intimacy, to detailed text messages between them. She placed everything from their relationship in that one folder, some things coming as a surprise to Syre who couldn't contain the wide smile that spread along his face at all their memories.

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