⁰⁴ Ofelia St.

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Quarter to seven,
I tried not to remember.
How'd I walked home with my tired feet,
All alone in the Ofelia Street.

Today I realized that I'm so fool,
An overused tool.
And in the dimmed Ofelia Street,
Raging car, I almost get hit.

What would you do,
If you knew,
That the biggest betrayal of your life,
Came from the people you smile.

My friends are few,
And now you make it hard to trust.
You're no longer the face I knew,
A bond I thought that will last.

Behavior changed,
And the audacity of you to blame.
Maybe things made me so cold,
But I still play with flame.

Ofelia Street witnessed the downfall,
And so as the strength.
This poem is about cutting ties with you,
My so called friend.

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