Lunchbox date

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In a bustling city, in the middle of the hum of daily life, Louis was having a lunch break. His colleagues, individuals he called friends, often had him join them during lunch breaks or team activities.

Then there was Harry, not a coworker, but someone who was deeply in love with Louis. He was always trying to support him in every way he could.

One day, Harry decided to surprise Louis by bringing lunch to his workplace. As he entered, he witnessed a scenario that left a bitter taste in his mouth. Louis' colleagues were seemingly taking advantage of his kindness.

Louis was immersed in conversation with his coworkers, unaware of their subtly manipulative behavior.

Harry, observing from a distance, felt upset and concerned for Louis. He couldn't stand seeing the person he loved being used so heartlessly.

Approaching Louis' group, Harry tried to catch Louis' eye. But when Louis noticed Harry, he only offered a brief smile before continuing his conversation, oblivious to Harry's concerns.

Harry's jaw clenched as he watched the subtle cues... the dismissive gestures, the lack of genuine interest in Louis' words. He felt a surge of protectiveness for Louis, knowing he had to intervene.

As Louis' coworkers excused themselves one by one, leaving Louis alone, Harry seized the opportunity to approach him.

"Hey, Lou." Harry greeted, trying to sound casual despite the upsetting feelings within him.

Louis turned to Harry, a subtle smile gracing his features.
"Hey, Harry! You brought lunch?"

"Yeah." Harry replied, struggling to find the right words.
"Listen, Louis, I- I couldn't help but notice something."

Louis' brows furrowed in confusion.
"What do you mean?"

"It's about your colleagues, Louis." Harry started, choosing his next words carefully.
"I think they might not be treating you the way real friends would."

Louis' expression turned into a defensive one.
"What do you mean? They're my friends, Harry."

Harry's heart sank at Louis' response. He knew Louis had difficulty deciphering social cues and understanding subtle manipulation. He needed to make Louis see the truth without causing him much distress.

"Louis, I know it's hard to see it sometimes, but I think they might be taking advantage of you." Harry explained gently, trying to express his concern.

Louis' emotions were evident on his face, a mix of confusion and frustration.
"No, Harry. They're my friends. They wouldn't do that."

Unable to hold back his concern any longer, Harry continued: "But Louis, I saw-"

Louis' voice rose, cutting Harry off.
"No, Harry! You're wrong!"

Suddenly, the tension in the room escalated. Louis felt overwhelmed, unable to keep his distress in any longer.
"No, they are my friends! You're wrong!" his fingers twitched as he closed his eyes.

"Lou, baby." Harry reached over the table, trying to get a hold of Louis' hand, which he managed to do in the end.

Louis didn't like the touch one bit, shrugging Harry's hand off.

Seeing Louis on the brink of an emotional meltdown, Harry realized he needed to approach this differently. He took his hand back, giving Louis space, and began to explain more patiently, using simple, straightforward language.

"Louis, I'm not trying to upset you. I care about you, and I want to protect you. I just want you to be happy and not taken advantage of." Harry said softly, his tone gentle yet earnest.

Louis' eyes met Harry's momentarily, a flicker of vulnerability showing in them. Slowly, the pieces began to fall into place. Louis took a moment, processing Harry's words and recalling moments from his interactions with his coworkers.

"It's... it's hard for me to see sometimes, Harry." Louis admitted, his voice filled with uncertainty.

"I know, Lou. It's okay. I'll help you figure it out." Harry reassured him, relieved that Louis was starting to understand.

In that moment, a sense of understanding washed over Louis. He took a deep breath, trying to process the realization that perhaps not everyone around him had his best interests at heart.

"Okay. Thank you. I am sorry about- I am sorry." Louis laid his hands down on the table, his gaze resting on the table.

"It's okay, Lou. I know it had to be hard for you to admit that, but remember that I want the best for you. I'll always have your back." Harry replied, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Harry hoped Louis would meet his eyes, but he was well aware that eye contact wasn't something Louis would seek.

"Thank you again. I am glad to have you, Harry. What did you bring for lunch?" Louis switched to a different topic.

"I made the sandwiches that you love so much." Harry took out a full box of homemade sandwiches.

"Those with no crust, tuna spread, and thinly sliced tomatoes?" Louis' expression brightened up a little bit.

"Yes, exactly those." Harry chuckled as he took the lid off, pushing the box closer to his boyfriend.

Taking one into his hand, Louis examined it with his eyes.
"They are perfect." he remarked before he gave it a cautious bite.
"Even the taste is perfect." he chewed while a content smile took over his lips.

Harry grabbed himself one too, feeling content in his boyfriend's presence. It was really nice to have lunch together once in a while, especially when Louis forgot his lunchbox at home. It didn't happen often, but sometimes in the heat of a morning rush, Louis would just forget it on the kitchen counter.

"Thank you for coming to have lunch with me today. It was great, Harry." Louis met Harry's eyes for a split of second, the happiness reflecting in them.

"Of course, Louis. I love spending time with you." a wide smile grazed Harry's features as he stood up.
"I will see you after work, okay?"

Louis nodded before replying.
"Yeah, see you later. I'll be waiting at the bus stop for you." Louis glanced outside, perhaps to make sure Harry saw he knew of their usual meet up point.

"Okay, love. I love you. Have a good day." hearing that made Louis' cheeks flush a light shade of pink.
"Love you too, Harry. Have a good day as well."

Their bond continued to grow stronger day by day, thanks to moments like this, moments of understanding and undying support.

Hi! Another one shot is here. Hope you like it. x T

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