Visit Two

754 60 9


Reason: Diagnoses

Symptoms: Heart rate accelerated, pale, shallow breathing, low blood pressure

Time in: 8:00 am July 12th, 2014

Jennie hated working with celebrities of any kind. They were always entitled and annoying and so overdramatic. Besides that, they got her nurses worked up every single time. Roseanne Park, super idol, was no better. Jennie didn't want to deal with her.

And Jennie especially did not want to deal with her at 8 am, but there she was, standing in front of Rosie, three minutes past. Sure, Rosie was attractive - if you were into that insanely cute and also maybe just a little bit hot thing. Didn't make her less of a burden.

So, Jennie wanted to get the appointment over with quickly, hoping that her bedside manner would be so bad Rosie would request another doctor. Of course she could just refuse Rosie, but that always looked bad. And Jennie had already done that with two other patients, one a famous swimmer who hit on her twice, and another a woman who kept talking about her pet rats. The rat thing would have been okay if the woman had not brought them into her office one day.

Jennie looked at her clipboard, purposely avoiding Rosie's curious gaze.

"You have anemia," Jennie said, expecting shock or surprise, or some dumbass comment about dying.

"Oh," was all Rosie said with a small shrug. She might have even been relieved.

"You know what that is?" Jennie asked cautiously.

Rosie rolled her eyes. Brat. "Yeah, my little brother has it. It's like when your red blood cell count is low, right?"

Jennie's eyes widened a little. "Yes, kind of. So you know about proper treatment?"

"Yes. Is that all?" Rosie looked down at her hands, toyed with one of her nails. Was she even listening?

"That's all. You'll need to come in for checkups more regularly from now on, and I'll have them give you a print out of proper care up front."

Rosie stood up, stretched out her back muscles and arms. The hem of her shirt lifted a little, and Jennie accidently caught a brief glimpse of a pale stomach. Well, less of a glimpse and more that Jennie just couldn't stop staring.

Only because someone of her fame should look more professional while going out, obviously.

Rosie cleared her throat, forcing Jennie to look up at one of the most annoyingly smug faces she'd seen in her life.

"Sure there isn't anything else?" Rosie asked.

This is why famous people were the worst. "Your things will be up front, Ms. Park," Jennie said before leaving the room.

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