Prologue One: The Robotniks

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Over the past several decades technological advancements had become the norm for humanity and at the head of it was the Robotnik family. They were some of the smartest, most well known and respected families in the world. The Robotniks were the reason for why war, hunger, and poverty was a thing of the past. By far the brightest of all was a young Gerald Robotnik who had taken over the work of his late Father as the CEO of Robot Inc. Now Gerald was a brilliant man like his father, that wasn't a subject for debate, however, unlike his father, he could be a very emotional man.

"Mr. Robotnik?" said the young receptionist as she cracked open the large double door. "I just wanted to remind you there is a meeting scheduled today at four."

Gerald raised his head from his arms with sweat slipping down his forehead, down his arms, and almost pooling on the desk. For a man only in his young thirties, Gerald had the attributes of a man clinging fifty. His face was tired and wrinkly with gray hairs poking from his mustache and his head completely bald.

"Yes, uh thank you Kathy." he replied as he wiped the sweat away from his head.

Kathy looked around the room awkwardly hoping for her boss to realize. "Um Sir it's three fifty-two."

Gerald's eyes widened and shot toward the large clock hanging on the wall, its hands showing three fifty-two.

"Oh son of a-"

Gerald shot from his chair, grabbed his jacket, and darted out the door. His eyes darted to and from his watch and the floor ahead. The minutes clicked away and just as it clicked to three fifty-nine Gerald could see the meeting room door just ahead. Just before he could enter he felt a sudden pain as he ran face first into someone. Papers and documents scattered across the floor.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! Lost track of time and I have an important...meeting..."

Gerald's voice wandered as he caught eyes with the women he collided with. Her blonde hair and ocean blue eyes encapsulated him almost instantly.

"Oh no it's quite alright. I actually also have a meeting to get to." she then looked up at who she bumped into. "And speak of the devil hello Mr.Robotnik."

"No please call me Gerald and you are?" Gerald replied as he lent a hand.

"Lori, but call me."

"Dr.Robotnik. Mrs.Greenfield." rang a stern voice. "I see you both have finally decided to join us."

The two looked up at the man. His broad shoulders built like great walls of steels, beard as white as snow, and a piercing gaze which shot right through them. Lori immediately shot up and raised her hand to her head.

"Afternoon Commander Sir!"

Gerald quickly did the same out of respect and slight embarrassment. The Commander, still clearly unamused, waved them inside. Gerald sat down at one end of the massive meeting table while the Commander and Lori sat at the other with several other high ranking officers.

"Now Dr.Robotnik you have taken control of all operations after your father's unfortunate and unexpected passing. That means you gained access to all the files and documents regarding the ongoing work within your company."

"Yes that is correct."

"Well that is not exactly correct. You see, your family has helped us a lot when it comes to our technology and there were times where we had to keep everything "under wraps". Greenfield if you may."

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