Undeterred, Jungkook pouted and playfully pushed Taehyung. "Come on, Tae. It'll be fun!"

Taehyung laughed, finding Jungkook's enthusiasm contagious. "You're crazy, you know that?"

Jungkook flashed a mischievous grin, "Crazy in love with you."

Taehyung couldn't help but shake his head affectionately at Jungkook's antics. "Alright, let's go."

Jungkook's eyes lit up, and he agreed,

They quietly slipped out of the house, the night wrapped around them like a cozy blanket. The air was crisp, and the silence of the late hour enveloped them as they made their way to a nearby park.

Once they arrived, Jungkook and Taehyung found a quiet spot on a bench, wrapped in each other's warmth.

"See, isn't this nice?" Jungkook whispered, his breath forming a small cloud in the chilly air.

Taehyung nodded, "It's peaceful."

Jungkook leaned against Taehyung, his head on his shoulder.

As they sat there, surrounded by the tranquility of the park, they shared stories, whispered sweet nothings, and reveled in the simple joy of being together. The moonlight painted a gentle glow on their faces, casting shadows that danced with their laughter.

When the cold started to seep through, Taehyung wrapped Jungkook in his coat, shielding him from the night's chill. They strolled back home, hand in hand, their laughter echoing through the silent streets.

As the duo returned from their midnight escapade, the chilly air clinging to them, Taehyung proposed a comforting idea.

"Wanna eat ramen?" he suggested, a warm smile playing on his lips.

Jungkook's eyes sparkled with excitement as he nodded eagerly. Taehyung instructed him to head to the room while promising to bring the steaming bowls within five minutes.

Jungkook, unable to contain his happiness, kissed Taehyung's cheek and hurried to their cozy sanctuary.

Shortly after, Taehyung entered the room, balancing two bowls of spicy ramen. Jungkook's appetite heightened at the sight, and he wasted no time taking a hearty bite.

"Do you like it?" Taehyung asked, watching Jungkook's reaction.

However, instead of a straightforward response, Jungkook pouted, prompting a curious gaze from Taehyung. The younger man shook his head,

"I want it to get sweet," Jungkook declared, catching Taehyung off guard.

"Sweet ramen?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow, amusement evident in his expression.

Jungkook nodded emphatically, and with a twinkle in his eye, he made an unusual request. "Can you bring some plant butter and jam?"

Taehyung arched an eyebrow, exchanging a bewildered glance with Jungkook, but he complied. He returned with the requested ingredients, watching in a mix of fascination and mild horror as Jungkook added generous spoonfuls of peanut butter and jam to his ramen.

Undeterred by Taehyung's look of disgust, Jungkook dove into his creation with childlike enthusiasm. Taehyung couldn't comprehend the peculiar combination but decided not to question pregnancy cravings.

As Jungkook enjoyed his unconventional meal, Taehyung observed him with a mixture of amusement and affection.

Suddenly, with eyes full of innocence, Jungkook looked up at Taehyung and asked, "Do you want to try?"

Taehyung hesitated for a moment, contemplating the consequences of sampling this peculiar dish. The love in Jungkook's eyes and the anticipation of sharing a moment pushed Taehyung to take a bite.

Suppressing the urge to grimace, he managed to eat the spoonful without revealing his true feelings.

Jungkook beamed, his eyes shining with joy. "See, it's delicious!"

Taehyung, still recovering from the unconventional flavor, chuckled. He wiped his mouth and kissed Jungkook's cheek, the gesture full of both love and amusement.

"You have the strangest cravings, my love," Taehyung remarked, his laughter echoing in the room.

Jungkook giggled, taking another exaggerated bite of his ramen.

As Jungkook finished his quirky ramen concoction, a satisfied grin spread across his face. "I am sleepy," he announced, his eyes already drooping with fatigue.

"Just a second, my baby," Taehyung responded, a tender smile on his lips. "I will put these in the kitchen, and then we can cuddle, hmm?"

Jungkook, already feeling the pull of sleep, protested in his adorable way. "Just leave them as it is and cuddle, please."

Taehyung sighed in surrender, realizing that the prospect of cuddling was far more enticing than dealing with the aftermath of the eccentric ramen experiment. He gently picked up the tray, carefully placing it on the nearby table, and then joined Jungkook on the bed.

Wrapped in the warmth of each other's arms, they settled into a comfortable embrace. The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing,

Taehyung traced circles on Jungkook's back, the rhythmic pattern lulling them into a serene state. Jungkook's eyes fluttered closed, and he nestled closer to Taehyung, finding solace in the familiar warmth of his embrace.

In the quiet intimacy of their shared space, with the remnants of their midnight adventure still present, Taehyung and Jungkook drifted into a peaceful sleep,


So that was all for today's chapter, I hope you enjoyed reading it.

This book is coming to an end,


Just 2 chapters left.

I know some of you wanted more chapters but I don't really know how to make more chapters of pretty kook.



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