Chapter 11

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Third person's pov

Jungkook's entrance into the Kim mansion was marked by a certain awkwardness. The grandeur of the place was undeniable, with opulent decorations and sprawling hallways,

He struggled to navigate the maze of corridors, all while balancing his luggage and the cumbersome gown that seemed determined to trip him at every step.

Finally he called out to Taehyung, who had gone ahead. "Taehyung!" Jungkook's voice held a note of impatience.

Taehyung paused and turned to face him, his expression as inscrutable as ever. "What is it now?"

Jungkook huffed, his irritation clear. "Where's my room?"

Taehyung's response was devoid of warmth as he pointed down the hallway. "Your room is that way," he said, his tone clipped.

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Taehyung's coldness. It seemed that the man had a knack for making everything feel like a business transaction, even something as simple as showing him to his room. He muttered under his breath, "Thanks for the warm welcome."

With a final glare in Taehyung's direction, Jungkook picked up his luggage once more and made his way down the indicated hallway. The gown seemed to grow heavier with every step, and he cursed the choice of attire that had been forced upon him.

Finally, he reached his room,

Jungkook let out a sigh of exasperation as he set his luggage down.

After changing into more comfortable clothing, Jungkook's stomach growled with hunger, With a sigh, he decided to brave the icy waters of Taehyung's disposition once more.

He knocked politely on Taehyung's door, his tone as cool as the air in the mansion. When Taehyung opened the door, annoyance flashed in his eyes, and it was clear that Jungkook's presence was becoming a source of irritation.

"What is it now?" Taehyung's voice was curt, and his patience was wearing thin.

Jungkook met Taehyung's cold gaze with one of his own, "I'm hungry," he stated matter-of-factly.

Taehyung's annoyance was palpable as he leaned in closer to Jungkook, his gloved hand gripping Jungkook's shoulders tightly as he turned him around.

"The kitchen is down the hall," he said tersely. "You can check the fridge or make something yourself."

Before Jungkook could respond, Taehyung abruptly closed the door in his face, leaving him standing there, a mix of irritation and amusement on his face. It was almost like dealing with a particularly uncooperative colleague at work.

Jungkook shook his head and made his way down towards the kitchen.

As Jungkook opened the fridge, his hopes for a quick and easy meal were dashed when he was met with the sight of a container of curry rice. His expression soured – he had never been a fan of curry rice. With a dramatic sigh, he muttered to himself, "Curry rice... of course."

His gaze then shifted to the cabinets in search of an alternative. Opening them one by one, he found an array of plates, bowls, and what appeared to be a selection of healthy snacks. His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized there was no sign of his beloved instant ramen.

Jungkook gasped dramatically, his voice carrying through the mansion as he shouted for Taehyung, his disbelief and shock evident in his tone. "Taehyung!"

Moments later, Taehyung appeared in the doorway, his masked face a mask of annoyance. "What is it now?"

Jungkook pointed dramatically at the cabinets, his expression one of sheer disbelief. "You don't have any ramen? No instant noodles at all?"

The masked Billionaire { T.K } ✔️Where stories live. Discover now