ch 22: ✌️

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'shadow' ace said slowly

I froze in my spot not knowing what to do

'y-yeah Ace' I said stuttering a bit

'did u or did u not save thatch' he asked seriously
the others were confused remembering that I was here the whole entire time and are confused who thatch is

'' I opened my mouth to speak

'no lies shadow' he said scaring me a bit
the others were just watching us silently

'yes...yes I did....but how did u know it was me...I never told thatch my name to begin with' I said shocking my crew on how and when I did this

'he described you shadow and how did u even know thatch was in danger' Ace asked confused

'listen idk it just happened, you remember when I disappeared when the fire started when we were little?' I said and ace nodded staying quiet so that I can continue  

'well when that happened I got teleported to nami's island because bellemere was in danger....and I don't know how it happened it just did and I guess it happened again and I can't control it also if u guys are wondering when and how it happened well I got teleported to thatch's room at night and I saw Blackbeard enter his room and try to kill him and since you guys know that I don't really like killing very much so I stopped him and I did it while covering my face in front of Blackbeard so he didn't see my face I only showed my face to thatch...'I finished explaining everything to them and I looked back at everyone
and they nodded showing me they understand what I said

well after that we just stayed together and talked and stuff like that until we reached land so we got down from the ship and started our land journey to help vivi

(well I'm not gonna write everything that happened only the important stuff cause I have forgotten some stuff)

we walked and walked and still walked until we  reached a deserted town which Vivi went ahead and explained what happened to it and after that we had reached the main town where our favorite man lives crocodile

well we are now walking towards the town and everyone was thirsty seeing as luffy had drank all of our water supply so when luffy and ussop saw the restaurant up ahead they ran straight in it also did I mention that ace had left cause the man he was looking for wasn't here

so going back to our main situation those two idiots went inside the restaurant and guess who's guessed it SMOKER

they came out running from there and who came after them.....again u guessed it smoker....but he is hot....jk....not really

we started to  run again and this time we split up cause chopper and sanji weren't with us getting chased by smoker and so when we continued to run and we saw crocodiles casino and we went inside and ran to a corridor that had two ways and we chose the right one and stupidly fell in a trap that was so fucking obvious that it gets me mad

well we are now in a cage but I'm not in the cage with them surprisingly since I remember in the anime everyone is in the damn cage except for vivi

I'm chained up to the chair that's fucking next to crocodile's chair

I looked in front of me and saw Vivi dead ass asleep well she is fainted but whatever and when I looked to my right I saw my crew asleep too and I saw smoker wide fucking awake just staring at me

when my crew finally awoke they started to yell and call Vivi who also woke up and when crocodile turned his chair around everyone realized that I was next to crocodile and started screaming at him to let me go and stuff like that

the conversation started between Vivi and crocodile and I was bored chained to the damn chair so I fucking did my usual shit I escaped the chains without anybody realizing until Vivi stupidly said
'shadow how did u get out of the chains?'

'really Vivi how u gonna expose me like that he had his guard down wtfff' I said mad but I jumped quickly away from crocodile

'well I got exposed but that's okay....but seriously what kind of chains wee those man it was easy to crack em open' I said trying to get crocodile mad
but he was just staring at me not looking away
"what is this feeling in my chest" crocodile thought
"I don't seem to be mad that she escaped the chains I feel proud but she does make me feel weird I was feeling like this when she fainted in the cage and I saw her beautiful peaceful face that just mesmerized me to much so I decided to get her out of the cage and chain her next to me while still watching her sleep....I don't want to let her go she'll stay with me forever as mine"
he thought

'so what? are you gonna fight me' he said
'maybe' I said but I couldn't move to much because of this stupid thing that I'm covering my dress with well I guess it's time to take it off and show my outfit

I started to take off the cover from my body to reveil my dress
everyone was shocked at the dress and the guys have red tinting their cheeks

I started to take off the cover from my body to reveil my dresseveryone was shocked at the dress and the guys have red tinting their cheeks

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this is it ↑

its light and its amazing to fight while wearing it
crocodile was shocked staring at me with a bit of pink tinting his cheeks

'not what u were excepting huh crocodile' I said getting into a fighting stance

'its not but I wouldn't except less from my future wife now could I' he said

'well yeah I guess......wait WHAT?!?!!' I screamed realizing what crocodile had just said and as I looked around I saw that the guys have a dark look in their eyes and they were glaring at crocodile while the girls were just shocked by what he just said

I just stood there completely confused
thanks for reading this chapter

words: 1059


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