ch 6: red nose!?

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If the chapters don't include scenes that happened in the anime,then i'm sorry it's just that it's been a long time since i rewatched one piece, that's all bye


Shadow's pov:

I woke up from the shaking of the boat and i realised luffy got caught in the mouth of a bird

'What happened here??!' I asked zoro who is now paddling after luffy

'That idiot was hungry so he thought it was a good idea to grab the bird and now he got taking' said zoro

'Typical lu always an idiot' i mumbled

'HEY YOU PLEASE HELP US!!!' I heard yelling  realising immediately who they are

'I can't stop you have to grab on' yelled zoro towards them

'Were you trying to kill us, nevermind stop the boat and hand over the girl' one of them said taking a glance towards me

I shivered in response

'What did you say?' Said zoro turning to look at them with a hard glare

So zoro beat them up and now he's sitting behind me with his legs on either side of me and he said

'You made me lose sight of my captain, so paddle or i'll cut you' zoro said evilly succeeding in scaring them

While that was happening i was playing with the rings in my hand

After that we arrived in an island

'Let's go and find our captain' said zoro looking towards me

I nodded and followed after him, we heard some noises and peeked

We are seeing our captain in a cage with a bunch of pirates partying and a familiar orange haired girl

They are telling her to light the cannon on luffy but she kept dodging the question until someone grabbed the matches from her hand and tried to  lit the cannon up but she smacked him with her stick but she was to late and the cannon had already lit up

Luffy is thrashing and screaming, and nami is in a state of panic before she could even get near the cannon i ran towards it and grabbed the rope with both hands to stop the fire

They all are looking shocked to see me
And i am in pain from this stupid burning rope and i let go of it when it extinguished 

'Are you ok shadow?' Asked zoro concerned

'I'm alright it's just a little burn' i replied

'Roronoa zoro are you here to take my head' said a very familiar clown

'No i just came to take my captain' replied zoro but they still fought and zoro cut him in half but before buggy can stab him i ran and grabbed buggy's flying hand and looked at him with a glare

'That was a cheap attack, and it shows that you are weak if you attack from behind' i said menacingly squeezing his hand making him drop the knife on the ground

He yelped in pain and then i threw his hand away from him and me

And turned towards the cannon and flipped it and yelled to nami to light it up she immediately went and lit it up and it went out on buggy and his crew

After that zoro picked luffy's cage and since he wasn't injured so it was easier to pick up we stopped infront of the store that the dog guards and sat down but then nami threw the key of the cage infront of luffy's cage but before he can pick it up the dog ate it and so luffy started to strangle the dog
Until we heard a voice

'Hey let go of chuchu' said the old man

After the conversation zoro was still tired so the mayor told him to rest in the house he originally was going to get treated for his wounds

While nami and the mayor were talking i went towards luffy's cage without anyone noticing not even luffy and made a lock pin appear in my hand and started to pick the lock and i somehow succeeded and the moment i opened luffy's cage to let him out they all turned to look at me
Luffy yelled in happiness

'Thank you sha for letting me out'

'How did you get him out?' Nami questioned me

'I know how to pick locks so i thought i'd try my luck and it worked' i said

So umm mohji appeared and attacked luffy sending him buildings away and nami and the mayor thought he died and went to check on zoro , but i was on top of a building so mohji doesn't see me and befor richie can destroy the store i dropped down infront of them protecting chuchu and the store

'Hey you lady get out of the way before we hurt you' said mohji

'I don't think you can even put a scratch on me' i said with a mocking tone

I was looking at richie as if i'm talking to him telepathically which i am doing and this is how our conversation is going

Me:"hey you must be richie right?"

Richie:"yes i am and how are you able to talk to me through our minds, ugh not like you can understand me"

Me:"i think i can understand you richie"

Richie:"really!!!, what do you want?"

Me:"is he treating you good?"

Richie:"umm no....but theres nothing you can do"

Me:"yes i can and i just need you to agree on one thing"

Richie:"what is it?"

Me:"you have to come and stay with me and i'll treat you good"

Richie:"really!!! Yes of course i agree"

Me:"alrighty then let's do this"

After our little talk

I fought with mohji and of course i beated his #ss

After our fight luffy came back and saw that i was talking with chuchu and richie is on my side

( i don't know how to make a fight scene soo)

After the fight between luffy and buggy and zoro with cabaji

We encountered the villagers and luffy told them that we are pirates

And now we're running away from an angry crowd

And i had to keep an eye on zoro so he doesn't get lost

We returned to the docks and we found those three from buggy's crew and they were acting strong until they saw zoro

We got on our boats zoro and luffy in the small boat and me nami and richie in the big one

When nami found out that luffy left one of the treasure bags she tried to drown him but i didn't let her and i fixed the strawhat and gave it back to luffy


Thank you for reading



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