ch 7: meeting captain ussop

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(Before we get to the chapter i just want to say that ussop is so cute i mean look at him,*cough* lets go back to the chapter)

Shadow's pov:

So after the whole buggy incident nami decided to stick around with us

We are currently heading infront of an island which only means , we're about to meet a new nakama

'Look it's an island' i said making the trio heads turn in the direction that i was pointing towards

'Yosh an adventure!!' Luffy said excited

After we parked our boats we jumped on the island and started walking until we heard noises from above

And once we looked up we saw some flags being pulled up, then we started getting attacked by f*#king rocks

"Dude not cool rocks are painful" i thought dodging some rocks but still got hit with the rest

'Oww...stupid rocks' i said after a rock hit me straight in the face

'Sha are you okay?!' Luffy asked concerned

'I'm fine' i replied

'No you are not your literally bleeding from your nose!!' Zoro yelled

'Damn it's not that big of a deal it will heal soon' i replied

Then we heard a voice from up the hill, so we looked towards the noise

And there stood the bravest warrior i've ever seen

'Take that pirates, i am captain ussop with 8000 men!!' Yelled ussop giving us a pose bit he still trembled 

"Cute...." I thought with a small blush

Then suddenly nami spoke picking up one of the rocks or whatever ussop shot us with

'I've never seen a pirate use slingshots as a weapon?'

'Shishishi you're neat' luffy said laughing

'Hey don't mock me i'm a very proud man' said ussop grabbing his sling shot and pointing it towards us

Since i didn't want to get smacked in the face again i hid behind zoro, who looked behind him after sensing me
'What are you doing?'he asked with hush voice
'I'm hiding, what does it look like i'm doing, i ain't getting smacked in the face by a rock again' i replied in the same hushed voice

After that we both looked back to the scene after we heard ussop  speak
'You saw what my sniping skills can do their more sharp then the average person'

Luffy's hat hid his eyes so i started listening intensely to the scene infront of me

'After you pulled your pistol put your life on the line' said luffy smirking
Instantly i remembered shanks words and the scene where he said it
'HUH...'  Ussop said

'I'm saying those aren't for threatening people'luffy finished saying

Zoro looked at luffy and smirked opening his sword a little,then he said

'What you're looking at now are real pirates'

Ussop was shaking a little....maybe more then a little meanwhile luffy and zoro looked at him menacingly with smirks ( well zoro is smirking while luffy has a scowl on his face)

Luffy and ussop held eye contact for quiet a bit until ussop dropped on his knees looking defeated and said

'R-real pirates definitely have way more punch behind their words....awesome'

Luffy looked at him before smiling and looking at zoro before both of them bursted out giggling

After that i kinda zoned out until nami poked me and told me to hurry up and follow them

(I don't exactly remember what happened in the episode since it's quiet and old one so i'll skip some stuff)

Right now me zoro nami and ninjin, tamanegi and piiman are waiting on captain and ussop
Some weird guy passed by us but no one payed him any mind except for me who was starring intensely at him as he passed, soon ussop came running towards us and told us what happened

So here we are standing infront of luffy's motionless body head sticking in the ground, all was panicking except me and zoro after what seemed like a long silence i broke it with a sigh and walked towards luffy making all of them question my action's

Without explaining anything to them i shouted next to luffy supposed head is

'Lu!!!! Someone ate the last bit of meat that i prepared!!' I waited a second before grabbing his head and popping him out of the hole his head perked up and he awoke,everyone looked at luffy dumbfounded

After that when ussop realised no one is going to believe him he told the kids that it was just another lie like usual, well the kids were ticked of so they left but we knew that he wasn't lying about kuro trying to kill kaya so we formed a plan well in the wrong side but i needed this to happen so ussop can show his bravery , after the sun had risen and soon ussop realised that we are on the wrong dock he told us the direction and we all ran well except from zoro since nami kinda saved her self from the oil using him

(Let's just skip the fight scene cause i am literally sick and can't focus but i need to make a chapter soon)

After the fight my presence in this universe stopped some injuries to show up so yeah good

Right now we are at the docks getting thanked by kaya and her giving us the going merry which when i saw her i literally had to hold myself back from crying

So ussop is dropping down the hill at a fast speed but before zoro and luffy can stop him with their feet i jumped infront of him and made some some cotton come out of my palms to stop him from rolling which definitely worked but ever since we met i had noticed ussop going red a lot of time when i speak to him,but i gave it no mind at all

'Thanks shadow for stopping me' said ussop looking away from me

'Oh it's no problem at all' i replied

I'm on the going merry currently leaning against zoro since i'm kinda tired from the fight, but it doesn't look like zoro minds

After ussop said he was going to sail alone and maybe we'll meet in the future ,luffy looked at him and said

'What do you you mean?, you are coming with us'

'Huh..' Is all that ussop said

'Well hurry up and get on here we're leaving soon' said zoro joining in

'Yeah hurry and let's go, we are friends plus i'm tired and i want to sleep' i said still leaning on zoro which he got a glares from the captain and the snipper but he didn't mind he was just staring at me without moving

Ussop finally snapped out of it and said

'Really then does that mean i'm the captain!!!'

After that he got on merry and we started leaving they started partying while i slept infront peacefully not noticing the lovestruck gazes i was getting from my male friends

And if your wondering about richie he umm kinda decided to stay with kaya saying that he wanted to be free which i wouldn't hold it against him so i let him go

New yandere unlocked


Little bit of buggy

1210 words

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