Standing in front of the school building, Ayato noticed the absence of students on the grounds and figured that classes had begun. This meant that everyone, including his teachers and friends, would be in class by now. Everyone except for that guy, that is.

Securing his backpack, Ayato walked into the building, aiming to draw as little attention as possible. As he reached the designated floor, spotting the classroom in the distance, he made his way over to the door. After a few knocks, Ayato waited, looking around for any sign of a student. It seems like no one visited these halls.

A few minutes went by, and Ayato wondered if he was gone when the door opened, revealing a familiar face. Smirking, Info-kun stepped aside, motioning for him to enter.

"Need my help after all?"

"No," Ayato commented as he brushed past him. "You're late for that. Thanks for the effort."

"Hey," Info-kun called after him, raising his hands. "You were the one who insisted I didn't help. Messaging you to be careful was the least I could do."

Refraining from rolling his eyes, Ayato gazed at the red-haired man. "How did you even know he was going to attack me?"

A smirk appeared on his face as Info-kun walked over to the computers and pointed to a screen. The device displayed the stalker's room, possibly in the current time, as sunrays seeped through the curtains. Ayato was shocked to find out the extent of his power—to be able to get into someone else's computer and watch the situation from there. Noting the room's emptiness, Ayato grappled once more with the realization of his deeds.

Info-kun had been watching him for a while, leaning against the desk with an amused expression. "I had been watching the entire time from my comfortable seat here. I must say, I'm impressed with the lengths you're willing to go for your friends. You show such bravery."

As he stood up, he gestured to the screen. "I couldn't help myself when you walked away. You must be very arrogant to think that he was going to let you go that easily, after all the trouble he went through to obtain that kitty. When he grabbed that bat, I figured I'd do you the favour of letting you know in time." Info-kun paused, wondering out loud. "Although I don't know what happened once you turned the corner. I didn't have any eyes there, so I was hoping you could tell me."

Shocked by his boldness, Ayato tried to compose himself, balling his fists in an attempt to stay calm. Flashbacks flooded his mind, causing him to grit his teeth and shoot a glare at him.

"Are you amused by this?" Ayato spat, receiving a smirk from Info-kun.

"What if said I am?" Info-kun mused, crossing his arms. As he took in the boy's angry state, he couldn't help the enjoyment he was receiving from this. Approaching him was a good idea to squash his boredom after all.

In an attempt to de-escalate the situation, Info-kun stood up and walked towards him. "Now, now, let's not get angry here." Info-kun leaned in, catching his gaze. "I told you I would help you, didn't I? That offer's still on the table. If you don't want to tell me what happened after that, I won't force you to."

He looked away, grinning. "I have my ideas about the aftermath, but I'm willing to let it go for the sake of our blossoming friendship."

Ayato narrowed his eyes, "What are you scheming?"

"I'm not scheming anything," Info-kun said, his gaze directed to the boy, a hint of interest in his voice. You were the one who came here. I should ask you what your plans are."

"I already regret coming here," Ayato retorted. As silence followed his words, he sighed, taking a moment to compose himself. He wasn't going to let this boy get on his nerves, not now.

A True LOVE [ Yandere-kun X Male Rivals ]Where stories live. Discover now