'Josh, I have one final question for you. If this was to go to court as a case, would you be willing to come and testify as one of her victims?'

'I would honestly love nothing more. I would walk to Korea just to see her pay the price for what she does to people. Please, Shinae, if you take her to court... Take her down.'


I completely took over the kitchen island, turning it into my workspace. I needed coffee. Coffee was behind me. And many hours later and many of those coffees later, my mind was still racing through everything I collected.

Now, I was contacting the list of people Josh gave me as witnesses and victims, I was contacting her old company's HR about the complaint Josh filed, and I was getting back more than I thought.

2 people agreed to a witness stand. 1 more person agreed to testify as a victim, although their case was a lot less severe and they quit on their own, but they did it because they felt harrassed. And the HR team actually sent the complaint he filed in, and explained that never processed it because Eleanor told them that she already dealt with it. Wha t dumb fucking HR team. No wonder they have a fully new HR team now.

But now I had an actual case.

I had people willing to testify.
I had proof of her behaviour.
I had multiple compaine's interviews on recording.
I had her on recording, lying about not knowing him and such.
I had the filed complaint.
I had emails from previous employees. 2 of them had only good things to say, but 1 of them did not like working under her, and they expressed it. 1, I never got back the response, but I didn't really expect any of this, so I can't complain.

I had everything I needed to take her to court. Now I needed Jimin.

I created organized files for everything, separating it by importance and such. Purely to find everything easier. I felt like an actual lawyer with all the things. I felt proud.

Now I just need the main person that I've done all this work for. And I hope to god he doesn't kill me.

I actually had to drive over because I had so many papers and my laptop to bring, and then it took me a good minute to bring it to their house.

'She returns.' Jimin was manspreading on the couch, crossing his arms on his chest, poking his cheek with his tongue.

'I sense a cat fight.' Jungkook whispered to Taheyung, and the three of us burst out laughing, and then Jimin ended up laughing, too

'I'm sorry, but that was just asking to happen. And you looked adorable.'

'Obviously. It's me. Duh.' He shruged, being playfully cocky. 'But you don't look so adorable. You look like a roadkill.'

'Aww, thank you ever so much. You just know how to win over a woman.'

'I aim to please.' He grins. 'But seriously, are you okay?'

'Yes. I just haven't slept in... 37 hours or so. Doesn't matter.'

'Sorry, you what now?!' Jungkook almost screamed at me

'Trust me, it was worth it.' I walked over to them, and they instantly moved over to give me some space to sit down

'What are those? School stuff?' Taehyung asks, pointing at 7 files I brought with me

'Not exactly. But it is a case. A proper one.'

'Since when are you working cases?' Jimin asks, grimacing a little in confusion

'Since I wanted to help someone I care about.'

'Oh, shit. Did you-'

'Yes.' I cut Taehyung off, still looking at Jimin

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now