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The next evening, Aimi found herself observing her phone, waiting in anticipation for the clock to hit 7:00, so that she could pack up, get in her car, and head to the site where her first street race would take place

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The next evening, Aimi found herself observing her phone, waiting in anticipation for the clock to hit 7:00, so that she could pack up, get in her car, and head to the site where her first street race would take place.

All the training she had done had to be for something, she had to make it in this field. Had to be the winner. Had to be successful. That was the only way that she could feel satisfied, that's the only way she knew that she had a purpose, and if she didn't make it, well there was no point in trying to be something ever again. 

In a male-dominated field, this was her chance to do something with her life, and having brothers who were obsessed with cars, fast ones in particular, pushed her in the direction of this particular career. Though, she didn't want to race with rules, she wanted fun, danger, excitement. Something that could keep her on edge and something that maintained a feeling of euphoria.

Just as she knew it, it was time to leave. She was notified that she had been picked out for the first race of the winter season by Yachi herself and felt nothing but a growing knot in her stomach. Aimi had no idea what to expect, she acted tough on the outside, but there was a trail of nervousness and insecurity that followed closely behind. The only way to feed its hunger was by beating those went up against.

The car journey seemed like it was taking forever, like it was taunting her. The thing that worried her most was failure. Yes, it was her first race, but the last thing that she needed was the other racers to start underestimating her. Her skills would be spotlighted for the whole audience to see, whether they liked it or not. 

Parking up and heading to the entrance, Aimi rummaged through her bag and showed off her ID to the bouncer, so that he could let her through to the centre of tracks and face her opponent to create a spectacle.

A huge fence surrounded the shape of the track, so that audiences could follow exact movements and see from different angles so there was no missing the grand show that had been advocated to the public. Keeping her head down and walking through a stone arch, the warm-tinted LED lights finally hit Aimi's figure, finally revealing the anticipated individual who had somehow managed to wriggle her way into competition.


There she was. Aimi Hangai. The girl who kept me up all last night.

 If anything, if I lose this race, it's because I'm so tired. Normally I'm able to go to sleep with ease, but something about her being announced so suddenly had knocked me off completely. I don't get why she's here, but I will find out.

She slowly paced to the centre of the path, where there was a spray-painted circle, representing where we're meant to be standing opposite of each other. Her head was down, only revealing her figure, and certain shadows on her face.

Her hair was beautiful, it was an inky colour, mid-length, with lots of layers. She had wispy bangs, which formed a larger shadow, meaning no one could initially see her face. There was something to her that made me wonder why she was here. What rules had been broken for her to enter this season? Normally racers have to proceed through a year's worth of training in our own personal facility before they even have the chance to go for a test drive.

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