A Love For An Apparition

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What started off as a simple encounter turned into a connection. He's such a wonderful apparition and he makes me so happy even though he's not alive and breathing but just him being here and watching over me makes me feel some type of way. I can't explain it but it kinda feels like I was granted some type of wish that I was wishing for a long time and that wish is attention. I like his spirit but my mother feels the complete opposite, she doesn't like him because she thinks he's invading our privacy but he's not. But I will make her change her mind!

"Hey I need you, ven aquí por favor" (come here please) I asked Victor so he can appear. He appeared out of nowhere looking handsome as usual. As always his colorful hair just stood out from everything else, he had on a black tank top with leather jeans and all black sneakers. "What happened sweetheart?" he asked. "Hey I was thinking about tricking my mom after she comes from work here's what I want you to do, I want you to give her flowers and put them on the table" I demanded. I wanted to do that so my mom will start to believe that he's nice and she'll start to like him. "Interesante (interesting), I'll see what I can do mi amor (my love)" he agreed.

Strangely enough he disappeared then he came back with the flowers and placed them on the table. "Good job, now let's see her reaction" I said to him. So we went to my room to sit and talk while we waited for her. About 30 minutes later my mom walked in the door and she saw the flowers on the table.

"Who put this here?" she asked out loud. She then walked to my room to find me sitting with him on my bed. "Oh no it's you again, get out of my house and stay away from my daughter" she said to him. "Hello, how are you?" he greeted her. She looked at him puzzled, "did you put those flowers on the table?" she asked him.

"Yes I did, I was just trying to do that to make you smile and don't worry I'm not hurting you or your daughter" he said to her politely. "Thank you so much kid but you need to get up out of here and stop haunting us" she demanded. "Why? I'm not hurting anybody, I'm just talking to Anastasia" he cried. "You just don't belong here so leave, go back to your coffin and sleep" she said angrily. He then disappeared.

"Mom what are you doing he's just trying to make you like him" I complained to her. "He's a spirit, the only thing he did was enter this house and manipulate your head, making you think he's a real person" she said. "But he was a real person at one point you can even look him up" I said to her. "Yeah whatever, as long as you keep this apparition out of this house everything will be fine" she requested. "But why do you have to be so rude to him? He's such a sweetheart" I cried. "Because he knows I don't like him and he still wants to stick around in my house" she said.

"Why don't you like him, what did he do to you?" I asked. "He did nothing to me but I just hate that he tries to act like he's your boyfriend or something" she cried. "Of course I'm not in a relationship with him, he probably had a girlfriend before he died. I'm attracted to him because of his loving heart, are you jealous or something" I asked her. "Jealous, what is there to be jealous of, you're just talking to a dead man" she laughed. That makes me so angry because she knows that he's like a friend to me and she's trying to take him away from me. Only if people knew what I've been going through.

I battle with depression and it's not a good feeling. I'm always alone because people nowadays are fake friends. So having the two combined really sucks. Having him visit me makes me feel so much better because I don't feel as alone anymore. It's like he's my happiness and I never want him to leave me. We can relate to so much and we have a really close bond. But I still don't know that much about him such as what songs he made or any other facts.

I researched him and I found a lot of songs I liked by him and his band. I mostly love the songs where he just sings by himself, his solo career is perfect, it's way better than the lead singer of his group. He doesn't only play electric guitar and make rock music for his band, he also plays flamenco guitar. He also makes different types of Latin music such as reggaeton, merengue and so much more. He's very unique and his music is versatile.

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