Rock war!

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We ran to find a black boy getting beat up. he was getting beat up by bowers and his gang. Beverly threw a rock at Henry and the rock hit him right it the head. The boy crawled to us "Nice throw" Stan said to Bev. "You losers are trying to hard she will do you, you just gotta ask nicely like I did" he said griping his crotch. Ben screamed and threw a rock at bowers. "The fuck" Henry said under his breath. We all started throwing rocks. "Rock War!" Richie yelled declaring the war and than got hit in the face.

We finally made his goons run away leaving Henry on the ground. We where all out of breath panting. We all slowly left one by one. "Go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie spoke flipping Henry off with both fingers. We walked down a rocky area passing the train track bridge thing. "Thanks guys but you shouldn't have done that, now he will be after you guys to" Mike spoke. "Who bowers? Oh he's always after us!" Eddie spoke. "I geuss that one t-t-t-thing we all have in common" bill spoek. "Yeah homeschool welcome to the losers club" Richie said as we walked more down hill.

"I want to show you guys something!" Ben spoke. "Then lead the way Ben!" Richie spoke in a British accent. We walked into the woods and Ben opened a hatch. Beverly went down first. Then I went down after her. Soon everyone was down. "What the dick is this? How'd you build it?" Richie asked. "Wow" I whispered. "Here and there, I geuss." Ben said. "It was already dug out so all I had to do was reinforce the walls, get some uh get some um wood for the roof doors and that's pretty much it!" Ben said smiling. "Pretty good for my first time huh?" He asked as he leaned on a pillar making some of the roof fall. I looked at it confused. Stanly jumped. My mouth opened in shock. "Now that's a cool feature. What happens if you put your hand on the other pillar professor." Richie said. "Ok you see this is exactly why there are safty codes, why there are permits!!! This place is a death trap, you understand that." Eddie said. "Look it's a work in progress, ok Eddie." Ben said quietly.

"Just so you know if I get hurt you are reliable- and also what is this? A switchmen Iron Maiden?" Eddie asked. "That's a flashlight" Ben replied. "What is that a house hitch? When do you have horses down- oh this is cool." Eddie said picking up a paddle ball. "That was like three dollars so be careful with that please." Ben said most likely knowing it won't last in the hands of Eddie at this state of mind he is in. "I hade one of these. Hey Stan you see this?" Eddie asked bouncing the ball on the paddle near Stanley's face. "Ok can you Mabey not?" Stan said moving back a little. "Mabey not what yeah yeah hold on Mabey not what Mabey not what be us and have fun and celebrate the manic of the paddle balllll" Eddie said then the ball broke of the paddle and the paddle hit Stanly in the face.

"Wow, oh good going fuck-nut you broke his thing." Eddie said. "I broke it?"Stanly said defense and confused. "Yeah, you broke it with your face." Eddie argued. "What?" Stanly asked  confused referring to how he broke it. "I'm not putting my fucking hand down there." Eddie said  "This place needs...Something." Beverly said. "Ooo yes" I said. "Perfect! We could um Mabey bring stuff from home to make it cozier!" Ben said. Everyone agreed and left to get stuff and bring it back.


Italy to Derry (Stanley Uris X Yn)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat