Nothing cool

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Yn pov
We biked to bens house the whole time there I listend to Eddie and Richie endlessly bicker. We finally made it to his house and he hurried in. I started to walk in when a missing poster caught my eye. It was Patrick hockseter. Why do people keep going missing? I walked indisse and bens house smelled like apple pie and vanilla and cinnamon. I walked up the stairs to see a old family pictures. His mom his dad and a baby picture of Ben.

We walk into Bens room and his walls where filled with history. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wow!" Richie said "Cool, huh?" Ben asked "No. No, nothing cool. There's nothing cool." Richie said. "What's that?" stanly asked. "Oh, that? That's the charter for Derry Township." Ben said. "Nerd alert" Richie said. "No actually, it's pretty interesting, Derry started out as a beaver trapping camp." Ben said. "Still is, am I right, boys?" Richie said holding up his hand for a high five.

"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry. But later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben said. "Wait, The entire camp?" Eddie asked. "There were rumors of Indians, but no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But it's like one day everybody just woke up and left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the Well House." Ben said. "Jeez We can get Derry on Unsolved Mysteries." Richie said. "Let's do that. You're brilliant." Eddie said.

I looked at the pictures of missing kids standing right next to Stanley. I know I just meet him but I feel like I have known him for forever. I unawarely grabbed his hand, but he did not let go. Once I realized I was embarrassed but he did not let go in fact he squeezed me gently. "Hey B-B-Ben where is the well h-house?" Bill asked. "Erm I don't know, somewhere in Derry i geuss." Ben spoke. I hummed looking at a book. "I have to go my ma will have a aneurysm if me and yn are not home on time!" Eddie spoke leaving. "She-" Richie starts. "See ya later stanley" I said. "Oh yeah see ya yn." He said letting go of my hand.

Me and Eddie rode home together. "You like stanley don't you?" Eddie asked as I felt the wind in my face. I huphed. "It's okay I won't tell that's what brothers are here for" he smiled. "I have your back, always" he said smiling. "Thanks" I said and smiled. The first time I smiled when I was here.

We walked down nebolt street and Eddie drops his pill box making his pills go everywhere. he gets to his knees to pick them up and I followed his actions. "Do you think this will help me, Eddie?" A demonized created said leaning closer to us. I scared as me and eddie ran around the house. he trips, "dumbass" I mutttered picking him up Racing to the fence. We turn around to see the Leper is gone. But a creepy clown was there holding multiple red balloons in a downwards triangle shape. I held Eddie's hand out of fear. I'm to young and pretty to die.

"Where you going, Eds, yn? If you lived here, you'd be home by now." It spoke. We stood there paralyzed in fear. "Come join the clown, Eds and yn. You'll float down here. We all float down here. Yes, we do." It said laughing demonically. We both scream and crawl through the fence as his ballooned pop.

"What was that!" I asked. "I-" he started taking a puff of his inhaler. "Don't know" he finished. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Mhm. Uou?" I asked. "I think. Come on let's go" he said and we made our way home.


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