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Sophie POV

'I knew you could do it!' Allie yelled running across the winter arena. 'Oh really?'Sophie responded 'cuz it sure didn't seem like you did when you messed up our original plan.' Allie laughed as the rest of the blue team ran out to congratulate Sophie. The two boys ran out from the waiting room both covered in red thick paint. Sophie got a bunch of glares from the red team students then the reluctantly left the CIA exam arena.

      Sophie and her friends, Allie, Tomas, and Andrew were all secretly CIA trainees. The best and the brightest teens from all over the world were brought in to Maine to learn how to be secret agents. That was how the four of them met. Allie and Andrew were 3rd years and herself and Tomas were 2nd years. Allie and Andrew had started dating about a year and a half ago, but both Tomas and her had suspected they had both liked each other sooner than that. However unlike the other students the four of them ,due to their proximity to the school were allowed to live normal lives attending normal school and coming to the CIA training after. The other recruits stayed at the CIA facility and learned there at a tiny school.
Sophie would never forget the way she had been recruited
(Italics means it's a memory)

'Ms Foster?' Her normal teacher at Bates called 'yes?' She called she had been sure he was about to get her in trouble for something, he sure did love punishing his students 'your needed at the front office,' he had said in his snarky British accent 'oh' she had been confused why was she going to the front office? There a woman in a tight action suit had taken her out for coffee and told her all about the secret CIA school

Two classes after the exam, Sophie, Andrew, Tomas, and Allie left for the dorms, their plan being get more warmly dressed then go ice skating. The boys had objected strongly but at the end of the day there they were in the skating rink.

           DEX'S POV

Dex plopped down on his bed and sighed. Looking around his room, he felt a overwhelming longing for his old bed, his old room, his old house. What he would give for one more walk around Rhimshier (I know I'm spelling that wrong but I have no clue how I'm supposed to spell it).

Dex was sitting on his bed with Rex, when the smell of burning filled the room. Hot smoke started coming through the door. Rex's eyes went wide and both of them started coughing. Dex sprang up and flung the door open. Out in the hallway a furious fire was blazing, but not just any fire everblaze. Not just that but their only way out had been that hallway, they were trapped!

"What do we do?" Rex choked out. Although Dex had been thinking the exact same thing. He had just realized one fatal flaw in his panic buttons, all of his friends could call him if they were in trouble but it didn't go both ways. And his only imparter had been downstairs! Dex reshut the door and headed over to the window. He tried to open it but levoise had made sure it couldn't be opened. After Sophie had been taken two days ago everyone's security had been pumped up. "Here!" Rex called handing Dex a large lamp. Dex flung it towards the window as hard as he could and the glass shattered. "We have to jump!" He replied. It was almost a 1 hundred foot drop, there was no way they would have survived if they hadn't been a deep pool at the ground surface. Dex had never been happier to own a pool. Unfortunately Rex turned pale and backed into the wall whispering "no no no no.... I can't do that."

"We have too. Just hold your arms tight to your side and point your toes. Trust me!" The door caught on fire, which seemed to finally convince Rex. "On three, ONE! TWO! THREE!"

Biana's voice cut the memory off saying "hello? Dex?" She waved her hand in front of his eyes. "What? Sorry I missed that? What did you say?"

         " Are you okay?"she asked "what" he asked surprise "yeah I'm fine!"

"Why does it look like your crying then"

"I just...I just really miss Sophie and the way things used to be,"

"I miss it too Dex, but we have a chance to get her back," she smiled "speaking of which, the collective finally figured out a plan,"

"What is it?" Dex said jumping up Biana laughed saying, "starting tomorrow we will be attending Sophie's school!"

  Hey guys! I'm gonna try to publish a new chapter each week probably over the weekend. But I'm sorry if I miss a week. Thanks for reading! :)

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