As my dad scrutinized my face, searching for any telltale signs of deceit, I held my ground, my commitment to truth evident in my eyes. Despite the tension, I could sense a flicker of understanding in his gaze.

"I believe you," he finally conceded, the sternness in his expression softening. "I'm sorry for doubting you."

Relief washed over me.

Dr. Abdali approached us, breaking the momentary silence. "I hate to interrupt, but I must get going. Work tomorrow," she explained, offering a polite smile.

My dad, ever the gracious host, insisted, "You can stay a bit longer. It's time for desserts."

"I appreciate the offer, but duty calls. Another time, perhaps," she responded, her eyes briefly meeting mine with a knowing look.

As she departed, my dad's focus shifted back to me. The lingering tension between us seemed to demand resolution. At that moment, he took the initiative. He took a step closer, his tone softer, "I owe you an apology, Aaliyah. I'm sorry if I came out too harsh."

I reassured him with a smile, "It's alright, Dad. No resentment on my part."

He gestured for me to come closer, and I willingly stepped into the warmth of his open arms. The embrace was comforting, sealed with a tender kiss on the top of my head. "I'm so proud of you, do you know that?"

A playful exchange followed, "Yes, you always tell me that."

"Have I mentioned how much I love you today?"

With a teasing tone, I responded, "Hmm, let me think. Nope, it seems you forgot."

He chuckled, "Shame on me, how could I possibly forget? I need to be a better father than that."

I shrugged, "It's alright, at least you try."

"Not enough it would seem," he pulled back slightly, holding onto my shoulders. His eyes softened, and he spoke from the heart, his tone certain, "I love you so much, my baby. You, your sister, and your mother are one of the greatest things in my life. Without you three, my life would be insignificant. You all are what makes my life meaningful, shaping the man I am today—the driving force for my actions." 

"I know that which is why I've constantly been trying to make you proud of me."

"Anything you do, whether it be great or small, I'm always proud of you. How could I not?"

"Really? Even if, let's say, I form a group of rebels and overthrow the government... will you be proud of me then?"

"When that happens, I'll be in the front seat, watching it unfold with pride." He smiled endearingly as he led us to the living room. "Come on, I believe we have guests to entertain."

"Indeed we do,"

"There you are, Naomi," my mother said, kissing my cheek as we got closer. "I don't know what has gotten into your sister. She seems out of sorts. I thought she would be happy today. This isn't like her."

My father and I exchanged looks, stifling laughter.

"What's funny?"

"My dear, let her be. She will be herself tomorrow; you'll see." He winked at me, and I snorted, to which my mother glanced between us, confused.

"I'm sorry, am I missing something that the two aren't telling me?"

"Of course not, what's there to hide about."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, woman, you worry too much. Take it easy; this is the night for the girls. Let them be." He said, walking away with my mom.

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