"Look around" Kentaro urges his half siblings.

Bill heads towards a blue board with strange lines and stick notes on them.

"Am I looking for anything in particular?"

"Well him, he just wasn't who you say he was"

"But he did lie, to all of us, for years" Bill says with a tone of slight sadness in his voice.

"Maybe you just didn't know him" Cate directs her response at Kentaro.

Cate leans forward on the table and grabs pencil shavings, that their dad would normally leave behind which was very irritating at times.

"You gotta give it to the guy, he had two families and still had time to be obsessed with work" Cate half heartedly compliments their missing father.

"Couldn't have said it better myself" Bill continues on for her.

"It was important" Kentaro tries to defend their father but Cate scoffs at his defense.

"Please, do you even know what he did" Cate questions the boy.

"Software for satellites" Kentaro and Bill said at the same time in which Bill flashes a small smile at Kentaro.

"Software for satellites" Cate confirms for Kentaro.

Cate walks in front of the board Bill has been in front of.

"Did you ever meet anyone he works with?, ever get invited to take your kid to work day?" Cafe ask while feeling the blue board.

"What do you do anyways?" she turns her head towards Kentaro.

"Let me guess, computer engineering? something that would also dear old dad proud" she says while stopping on a stick note feeling something against the wall.

Bill moves towards a bit to the left side of Cate, noticing how her demeanor changed.

"What is it?" Bill ask in confusion.

Cate says nothing and rips off the paper board off the wall, Bill is a bit taken back by this.


A secret safe is revealed to be there hidden by the blue paper.

"What's in here?"

"I didn't know it was there"

Bill turns towards Kentaro and ask him a question.

"So you know what it is right?"

"Kind of"

Cate puts in a combination to open the lock but doesn't succeed.

"What are you doing?" Kentaro ask Cate

"What's your birthday?"

"Stop doing that" Kentaro ask getting a bit agitated of Cate pushing but Cate turns towards him.

"I thought you wanted to introduce me to your dad, show me something I didn't know about him cause the only thing in this room that isn't old news to me is this" She says while gesturing to the lock in front of her.

"She got you right there" Bill says while looking in opposite direction while Cate smirks at her brother sticking by her.

Kentaro seems annoyed but sighs acceptingly.

"July 7th"

Cate puts in the birthday code but doesn't succeed in it either.

"What about your mom?" Cate questions without breaking her attention away from the lock.

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