Dead beat

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My hands are wrinkly. I laugh to myself. I look like a snowman. My skin is white and my hair is cold. I'm cold. My eyes are drowsy and legs are weak. Yet all I do is sleep. My clothes are damp and feet are sore. I want to go home. To the place that has become my home. With Dean. In my new bed. I would kill for a good drink of hot cocoa. Or a peanut and jelly sandwich. I've learned to like things I thought I never would. I just want to go home. Me and 001 will never be the same. What he is doing is wrong. What he is doing as against our friendship. If he was in this situation ship I would risk my life to get him out. All he does is stela my room and tried to act like he's helping. My boss is cold. I wipe it on my jumper. Trying to warm It up. It's red. I haven't even done anything. I should be fine. Why is this happening. My head pounds and I I squeeze my eyes shut. The darkness spins. Oh sugar. The floor spins and I loose my balance. I'm losing energy. The water hits my face and I try to get up but arms are too heavy and my legs ache so I close my eyes and lay there. What's the point in wait if I already know that 001 won't come back for me. He is selfish he proved that ages ago.

I open my eyes/ I think I'm going crazy at first but then I know I'm not. The smell of pasta. I list my head up but it aches too much that I let it drop again. Jesus Christ. I'm out. I'm out. I lay on my side and look around the room. There is a bag in the corner. Most likely filled with 001's clothes. I can't find either of them. I close my eyes and wait. I'll wait till they return. That's when i feel it. The trick at my nose. I list my arm up and wipe my nose. It should be fine. I've been in the darkness for months. What's worse? I smile to myself. I'm out. I did it myself. I don't need help from a weak boy. Time takes its place. I spin my legs off the bed and stand up. I'm hungry. I'm thirsty and I'm bored. Dean is sat on the couch watching television with 001. They both look at me. « Oh goodness, you're awake » day Dean. Yes, well no he was hallucinating. I'm cold. « You look Ill » 001 day walking to me. I nod. I can feel it too. The feeling in your bones that you just can't do it anymore.

But I'm not going to sleep. I can't risk going into the darkness yet. « I'm hungry » I say putting on a fluffy jumper. I walk into the room and 001 follows after me. « Look 007, I'm sorry » he says standing by the door. I know what he did was wrong but he's the only friend I've had since I was like 4. I cant let this go but I can't let him of so easily. « You should have tried harder » I say to him while passing home to the living room. My lips are cold and any skin is cold and thin and I don't feel well enough to stay awake for another 40 minutes. I want to sleep but I've just woke up . My head is blasting with pain that I know it isn't normal but let's not be dramatic about things and I shall keep it cool. I'm home. I'm finally home. I think this is my home. I like it here. It's nice. It's safe. Plus Dean is really kind that I now trust him. This is a place I can finally call my home. I smile to myself. I'm home. Home. That rings a bell.

I got my paper and gave it to papa with a smile. "This is for you" I said. He forced a smile. I knew it wasn't real as it only lasted a second. Papa never smiled at us properly. We were just little people he used when he needed help with things he couldn't do. "Why don't you put this in your room" he says. Of course he didn't want it. Why would he. I forced a smile and took the paper from him. He grabbed my hand and lead my to my room. I looked at the clock next to my bed. It read 00:32. I still wasn't  tired. I groaned to myself. "Please papa, I'm not tired" I said with a shift sitting on my bed. "Papa has to go home. It's really late". I rolled my eyes and looked at my bed. "What's home?" I asked him. I looked up to see his face. The wrinkles dig deep into his face it made me laugh, last time I laughed at him he told me off so I held it in. "A home is a place to eat, sleep and feel safe in" he said. I nodded to myself. Got it. "So why don't you stay here?" I asked him. He stopped talking for a moment. I thought he was thinking. "See, 007, this is your home. This is not my home. Papa isn't allowed to have a home here" he said . I didn't understand. "Why not?" I asked him. I held onto my stuffed animal. It's a little leopard with a really long neck. "Because I built this home for you, not me" papa said standing up. "Goodnight 007" he said  leaving the room. I still wasn't tired.

That was the first time I head about the term home. I know I'll never be able to go back to my normal home with my person I remember seeing but this is the best that will happen and I know that for sure. She probably doesn't even know I exist. I twiddle with my fingers but my eye lids become heavy and my blinking becomes slow. I cannot fall asleep. I can't. I won't allow myself. I've been asleep for too long. I get up and pace around the room. I cannot fall asleep. 001 is in the other room drawing. Great idea. I walk into that room and sit in the floor. If I sit on the bed I'll get confortable and fall asleep. 001 turns to me. "My grandma, she alive". So? What was I supposed to do. I nod. Interesting fact. I think it might have saved my life. "Can Dean take me there?" I don't know I'm not Dean but he probably will. I shrug. "Do you think she knows you're alive?" I ask him grabbing a. Few colours and a blank sheet of paper. "Yes, she does, she never beloved I died" he says sounding so happy. "You died?" I say. He didn't die. He's right there. "No, I didn't but you died too, papa told the whole world we died" he says grabbing the green and scribbling some lines. "Why?" I ask drawing me and 001. " so people like my gran and your mom stop looking for us" he says sounding sad. He cares about this a lot. "What do you know about my mom?" I ask making Dean. I want to know about my mom. I hope she is pretty like how I see her in my memory. He looks at he and bites the skin from his lip. "She's dead" he says to me. "Liar" I say standing up. For some reason this offends me. I don't know how he could up with such things. He also stands up and the chair is in the middle of us. "Why do I need to lie?" He's right. He doesn't have to lie. My moms dead. The only person who actually knew me. Knew me before. Now I'm just 007.

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