Spending the Night

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"All right Eli, I think that should be enough for today. Well done, you've improved since last time. I'll look forward to the next time we meet." Junjie said.

The Shane Gang were in the training room of their hideout, joined by Junjie. Eli had always gotten along with slugs and seemed to have a natural talent for befriending them. However, his connection to his slugs still had work to do.

Which was why Junjie had been showing him how to meditate, as proper focus and calmness were assets in successfully implementing Slug Fu. The other members joined in as well, since meditation had other benefits aside from aiding in Slug Fu.

"Thank you, sensei," joked Eli.

Junjie blushed a little, trying his best to hide it and gaining a smirk from the Shane in response. 'Sensei' was a term that Junjie had only used for his elders and teacher before he had been taken over by the dark slug, being called it was still something he had to get used to.

"Um, guys? You might want to save the goodbyes for later," said Trixie as she pointed to a nearby window.

Outside it had become quite dark due to the clouds, thunder could be faintly heard and it looked like it would start pouring soon.

"It's probably best if you spend the night with us, Junjie," suggested Kord.

"Thank you but I wouldn't want to intrude," replied Junjie.

"Nonsense, how could Pronto show his face if he wasn't hospitable to the eastern champion."

"Well...if it's alright with everyone, then I'd be happy to stay."

"Sounds great! Hey, since it's still pretty early, how about you join us in the weight room?" Kord suggested as he led Junjie to the team's weight room. Where there was equipment ranging from cardio, lifting, and other forms of exercise.

Eventually everyone started their usual routines, while Kord continued to talk with Junjie.

"How about you and me see who can lift more," Kord being...well Kord, often meant there weren't many who could keep up with his muscular build.

"What do you mean by lift more?" asked Junjie. Prior to his take-over by the dark ghoul, his training mainly consisted of Slugfu and other forms strengthening his Chi. Having been under the ghoul's hold for so long, often made him unfamiliar with modern terminology.

"Here, I'll show you," said Kord as he lifted a barbell bigger than Junjie's body. By now the others had stopped their own workouts and had joined Junjie in spectating. Despite living with the Cave Troll for so long, it still amazed them to see just how powerful he was.

Despite the sight before him, Junjie looked unfazed.

"Oh, I see. I'll have a try at it then," he said as Kord placed the dumbbell on the floor for him.

"Don't feel bad if you can't, out of all of us I'-"

He was cut off as the Shane gang watched in shock as the Eastern Champion was able to lift Kord's dumbbell with relative ease, and just as easily placed it gently down.

Before anyone could get a single word out, "When me and my predecessors would learn Slug Fu, we had to make our body strong enough to withstand our enemies. While we didn't call it lifting, it was still a similar training method," explained Junjie.

Eli wasn't surprised at this point, pretty much every training session they had, Junjie would somehow find a new way to impress him.

They were soon interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"Who'd be out in this weather?" wondered Trixie.

Opening the door, Eli was greeted by a delivery from Ricochet Pizza.

"Oh, I totally forgot! I had ordered a delivery Pizza from Mario before Junjie had come over," remembered Trixie.

"What's a...pizza?"

Everyone turned to look at Junjie who was still confused.

"You've never tried pizza before?" asked a bewildered Trixie.

Soon enough Junjie was rushed to their dining room and had a slice placed before, while the others watched in excitement at seeing him try a bite for the very first time.

"Here you are Junjie, a classic pepperoni slice," said Pronto.

Junjie was still confused by their excitement. He knew he had a less-than-ordinary diet compared to other citizens of Slugterra. But it was fairly common for Slug Fu users, even his own sensei rarely ate anything that wasn't permitted.

Slowly he lifted the slice and took a bite out of the top, chewing slowly for a second. Then he went for a second and a third, before he was asking for another slice.

Eli couldn't help but smile to himself, he knew Junjie hid it well, but he knew that all that time being under the ghoul had taken a toll on him and every now and then his facade would slip. It was nice to see him smiling again.

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