Weathering out a storm

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The Shange Gang watched from their window as heavy rain poured down with faint lighting being heard in the background, at first, the sight was relaxing and provided a sense of soothing calmness.

Though right now they weren't in the mood for sky gazing.

"Listen, 'Panda Farmers 3' is the sequel to two critically acclaimed movies, it's the most obvious choice for a night like this" explained Eli. "I'm not interested in spending two hours watching a bunch of pandas decide what crops they want to grow" complained Kord, "you just don't see the symbolism behind the farming, thes-" was all he could get out before being interrupted by Kord.

"We should watch 'Thriller Rides', a classic that focuses on combining comedy with the right amount of horror. Perfect for nights like this to brighten the atmosphere" said Kord.

"There isn't anything even remotely classic about that movie," interjected Trixie, who considered herself a true fan of the classics. "We should watch 'Return of the Slugombies' , a cheesy horror film that has been well received for multiple decades."

"Pronto agrees with the Cave Troll, 'Thriller Rides' seems like the best option" voted Pronto from the sofa. "Thank you," said Kord gleefully.

Eli and Trixie were quick to offer counter arguments before Eli realized, "you're only agreeing with Kord cuz he promised you his mother's casserole recipe."

'N-no, don't be silly, that's ridiculous" both Kord and Pronto said in unison. But one quick look at them proved they were lying.

"I have an idea that should solve this dilemma, what if we play a game, whoever gets the other person to tap out, gets to decide the movie," suggested Eli.

"I'm in!" said Kord.

"Pronto will root from the sidelines," said Pronto, getting out of having to exert physical force.

"I'll watch," said Trixie, who secretly turned on recording in her camera. She knew this would be far more entertaining than any previously mentioned movie.


"All right Kord, we'll each start on opposite ends of this circle, anything goes. The only goal is to get your opponent to tap out first," explained Eli. Everyone was in the training room now and Eli and Kord were inside of a circle made using white tape on the mat.

At first glance, it would seem odd for Eli to suggest such a game when comparing the drastic differences in his and Kord's size. The same thought would have occurred to the rest of the team if you had asked them at the start of their formation.

However, over the past months they were quick to see how Eli was able to use his agility in insane ways and how he did well in using others' weight against them. It wasn't something that could completely overpower the cave troll, but it was enough for Kord to not take Eli lightly.

"Okay Boys! Gooo!" shouted Trixie sitting a safe distance away from the circle with Pronto, still having her camera pointed at the two before them.

Kord was quick to rush in first, he didn't want Eli to get any advantages from giving him time to think.

Eli's instincts were right on the money, he was aware of Kord's impatient nature and was already side-stepping out of the way to trip up his opponent.

Eli followed through with Kord falling and was on his back with arms around a blue neck, "c'mon Kord, tap out, you're already turning blue," joked Eli.

Despite the humor, Kord could feel the tight grip around his neck getting stronger, however with Eli's light weight he was able to stand up with Eli still holding on.

"W-wait Kord," pleaded a worried Eli, "I giv-" was all he could get out before being slammed on the floor, knocking the wind out of him.

"Uhhhnn" moaned Eli from the floor, "I give" he said weakly, feeling grateful the the mat was soft enough to absorb most of the impact."

"Wooaah nice one!", "Excellent execution," cheered Trixie and Pronto from the sidelines.

"Looks like 'Thriller Rides' it is," said Kord pridefully as he offered a hand to Eli.

"It better be at least half as good as you said it was." Eli rubbed his hand over his back, "did you have to throw me so hard,"complained Eli as he walked with help from Pronto and Trixie."

"A cave troll always gives it his best" joked Kord as the rest joined him back to the TV room for his movie.

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