Sleeping Pronto

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It was a dark and windy night outside of the Shane Gang's hideout, and while most would be sleeping at this hour, only Pronto followed the norm.

Outside his room were the other three members of the group, Eli, Trixie, and Kord.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Asked Eli. "Hell yeah! It took us 3 hours to clean up the hideout after Pronto dragged in all that garbage; that place looked like a mudslide hit it. Plus, he didn't even bother helping," responded the large vengeful cave troll. "Besides, I'm dying to see his reaction," Trixie said gleefully with a camera recording in her hand.

Slowly they entered his room, making sure to make as little noise as possible. Each of them grabbed a corner of the bed sheet Pronto was sleeping on. Kord grabbed two since there were only three people, and they started moving Pronto out of the hideout. They made sure to walk in a straight line at all times to avoid shaking Pronto too much; his waking up would ruin the prank.

"Kay, we're at the waterfall," panted out Eli, tired from all the walking. By now the dark sky had cleared significantly and it was somewhat light outside. "Alright let's start blowing up the raft" ordered Trixie.

Once the raft was inflated, Pronto was placed on top with Kord putting an Aquabeek next to him, they all gave a small nudge to the raft and it started moving.

Kord snapped his fingers and the Aquabeek sprayed Pronto straight in the face before swimming back to them. Pronto woke up, and like any person who wakes up heading towards the drop of a waterfall, he let out a scream. Though not a very manly one.

Eli and Kord started laughing hysterically, while Trixie tried her best to hold the camera steady while struggling to keep her laughter in check. "It's a good idea we found a waterfall like this!" Said Kord. "Yeah the drop isn't very high and there's no rocks on the bottom so there's no need to worry about injuries," responded Trixie. "And for added measure, we also tied the raft to base up here," said Eli.

"Wait which of us was supposed to tie the rope?" asked Eli. "Don't look at me; both my hands were busy carrying the bedsheet corners, It was Trixie's job". "Nuh-uh, I was holding one corner of the bedsheet and my camera so I wasn't free either."

Both looked at Eli, who had gone quiet as he soon realized he was supposed to attach the rope. "Well I guess it'll be a bit of a walk for him back...," Eli said.


Kord, Trixie, and Eli were sitting at the table the table enjoying a bowl of apples between them, when they heard sounds coming from outside.

"SPLOSH SPLOSH SPLOSH" "Is somebody mopping outside, what's that sound? Asked Kord. Before they could go see for themselves Pronto opened the door and came back in.

He was soaking wet and had seaweed sticking on his face. "P-Pronto, what happened to you?" Trixie asked trying to hold her laughter. "Pronto last remembers going to sleep on his OWN BED, but when I woke up I saw myself floating towards a drop. I have no idea how I got there.

"M-maybe you were sl-" was all Eli could get out before slapping his hand over his mouth, fearing his poker face wasn't going to hold.

Luckily for Eli, Kord was there to rescue him. "Maybe you were sleepwalking," suggested the cave troll, who was definitely able to keep his laughter in better than the other two.

"Maaaybe," Pronto said while thinking, "we molenoids are known for our neverending energy, sometimes we even walk in our sleep," said Pronto, satisfied with the reason being his "unkempt energy". He left the others as he went to dry himself off.

It was good timing as well, since as soon as Pronto left and they heard the door close, all three started bursting out laughing.

Trixie started slamming her fist on the table repeatedly with tears in her eyes, Eli began smacking Kord on the back, applauding his ability to keep up his poker face with Pronto. Kord who was clenching his abdomen as he lay in his chair doubling over with laughter.

Finally, as their laughter started calming down, they got back up and started getting ready for the day. "Send me the video later?" Both Eli and Kord said in unison.

"Sure, just as soon as I download a copy for myself," responded Trixie with a smile on her face.

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