Pt. 7

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(Okay, so sorry for the loooooong wait. I lost motivation for writing this book a while ago and I cannot affirm that the next one will come out because I have been busy with other works. So I hope you enjoy this chapter of Legend of Korra Book One Reader Insert. Kay, Bye!)

Things had calmed down, but only a little, after what happened at the championships. After the attack from the Equalists, the arena was shut down indefinitely. It's been under thorough investigation too, which means Bolin and Mako could not stay there anymore. I am riding the n Naga with Korra as we make our way to the stadium. She wanted to have them stay on Air Temple Island after what has happened and I was cool with. We also talked it over with Dad so why had rooms ready for them.

"You think they'll like it?" I snap out of my thoughts as I see Korra look back at me with wide smile. I give her a smile back. "I know they will." I tell her. Once we made it to the arena, Korra made Naga stop and we got off her as we pass the police tape. We made our way to Mako and Bolin's residence, "Guys, great news. You don't have to go back on the streets. (Y/N) and I talked to Tenzin and made all the arrangements. You can come live on Air Temple Island with us." Korra announces to the guys. "Oh... Well, we'd love to, but-" "Asami already invited us to live in her dad's giant mansion!" Oh. That works too. "From here on out, it's gonna be the lap of luxury for us." Oh, Bolin. Never change.

"Oh, hey, Korra, (Y/N)." I look back and see Asami on a platform above us with Pabu in her hands. "I was hoping you guys would stop by." She says. Pabu leaving her hands and makes his way to me. I giggle as he climbs my body and rests on my shoulders. "Hello to you too, Pabu." I greet and give his chin a scratch. "We were just leaving." Oh, come on. Korra was still not giving Asami a chance because she is with Mako. I close my eyes as Pabu waves his tail in my face and smile at the little guy. "Come on, Korra. We can spare a little extra time." I say to Korra. "Naw, I got to get going. You should too." Stubborn as always. Pabu leaves my shoulders and scurries over to Bolin. "So, I guess we'll see you guys around... Sometime." I raise a brow at Korra as I place my hands on my hips.

She starts walking away while I remain where I am. "Why not tomorrow? I'd love to have you and (Y/N) come visit the estate." Asami says as she made it down the ladder. "I don't know. I got some... Avatar stuff to do." Excuses. I cross my arms as I continue to stare at Korra with mild irritation. Why doesn't she just give Asami a chance? "Come on, Korra." I look back to see Bolin talk in a high-pitched voice as he hold Pabu in front of him as if the ferret is talking. "We all deserve a little rest and relaxation after all this craziness. We could swim in Asami's pool. It'll be fun." I couldn't stop myself from letting a laugh slip out as I cover my mouth. I hear someone else laugh too. "All right, Pabu." Yes. Nobody can resist Pabu's cuteness.

"Great, we'll see you tomorrow." Asami says. Korra walks down the stairs and after making sure she was far enough, I look at the others. "Sorry about that. I guess she's a little bummed that you beat her to the punch." I say to Asami. "It's okay. You will visit tomorrow too, right?" She says. "Of course, I will." I answer. "I better get going too. Bye." I wave at them then go down the stairs too.

Time Skip: The Next Day

I was doing some old air bending stances as I make use of my time. Then I shift my stance as I punch then side kick then did a spinning kick. I did a cartwheel then use my arms to push myself up into the air. Then a turn mid-air and land on my feet, balancing myself to make sure I don't fall. Once I was, I then walk over and sat on some steps. "You've been working hard lately." I look up to see Mom with a tray of tea in her hands. I stand up, "Yeah, well, it takes my mind off stuff." I answer. Pouring myself some tea then drink some after blowing on it a little.

"I know. But don't overwork yourself too much. Things have been scary but we have each other. Remember that." She says. I look down at the ground in thought then look at Mom, "You're right." But then I remember. "Oh shoot! I forgot! I'm suppose to visit the guys and Asami!" I put down my cup onto the tray then grab some of my knives I left on the steps while I was practicing. "I'll be back later. Love you." I quickly say to Mom then run off.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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