Part 6

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(Hey, so sorry for the wait, but here you go. And I am exhausted right now. Enjoy!)

"I hope Korra and her team wins tonight!" Ikki cheers excitedly. The tournament is nearing its final match and it's the Fire Ferrets against the Wolf Bats, the team that jerk, Tahno, is on. "It's Korra, she's the Avatar and if I were there. No could even beat The Meelo." The little gremlin  stands proudly, and I couldn't help but laugh.

I'm with my siblings playing while listening to the radio with music come out of it. "Hello Republic City." Amon's voice comes through to the radio, and now my siblings and I are focused on what he has to say. "The council has declared me 'Public Enemy Number 1.' But they are just afraid that their positions are at risk. My fellow non-benders, we grow stronger and we are that much closer to ridding the world of benders forever. If the Council wish to keep the peace then heed my demand; close the arena. If you value your bending, do what is best." It cuts back to music. But no one was in a happy mood anymore.

I didn't waste a second and high tailed it to the city. When I got to City Hall I saw Korra, Mako, and Bolin and waved them over. They heard the transmission and we went to confront the Council. "You can't shut down the arena!" Korra proclaims. "You're only going to give him what he wants!" She adds. "I'm sorry Korra, but we can not take that risk." Dad says. "But she's right Dad. Pro-Bending is one of the only things in which both benders and non can be beside each other peacefully." I counter. "(Y/N) is right. If it gets shut down Amon will gain another win." Mako supports.

"Tarrlock, you of all people won't back down from Amon." For once I hope for Tarrlock's support. Even if he's a pile of Sky Bison dung. "I'm sorry, Korra, but for once Tenzin and I are in an agreement. All those who object to closing the arena?" None of the other members objected and right when Tarrlock was about to seal it, a metal cable destroyed the javel.

We all looked to see that it was Lin. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar." I couldn't help but be relieved and happy to have Lin on our side. "Chief Beifong, with all due respect this is for the safety of the people." "And the people need to know that we are not going to stand by and let this masked freak get whatever he wants." Lin counters Tarrlock. "Yeah! And with the police force, if you're okay with it, Chief, can be on stand by if any Equalists decide to show up. With your skills they won't be able to a finger on anyone." I point out.

"It's too risky! We're trying to prevent things from escalating into all our war. The Council is not changing its position." Dad states, sternly. I mean, he did have a point. But we have to show that we are not afraid of fighting back. "Just a moment, Tenzin." Tarrlock speaks, "(Y/N) and Chief Beifong make good points. And are you okay with having your men at the arena, Chief?" He asks Lin. "My metal benders and I will keep the watch of everything. If anything done by Amon's followers, we will take immediate action." Lin states professionally. "And the safety of the spectators in the arena?" "Guaranteed."

Thankfully, the arena will stay open. Though Dad wasn't particularly joyful, we had to take the risk. "Thanks again, Aunt Lin. This means a lot." I thank Lin. We talked in a hallway after the meeting was adjourned. "I'm not one to back down from a fight. But be careful, kiddo. Amon will try something. Be prepared." She tells me. I nod and walk off, I pass Dad and give a salute. Dad and Lin haven't really gotten along because Lin is still a little bitter over their breakup.

But Lin didn't want kids while Dad wanted to have a family. It's kind of ironic, considering that Lin treats me well despite being Mom and Dad's kid. "Hey, (Y/N)!" I get pulled out of my thoughts as I see Korra walking up to me. "Is your Dad close by?" She asks me. "Yeah. But be careful. He's talking to Lin." I warn her. She thanks me and walks off. But I feel a nagging feeling in my brain that this could all be one big setup.

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