Part 3

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"So, just to be sure," Korra was practicing while I sit nearby, "You and the ferrets need to make a sum of money to participate in the tournament and if you don't, 'Goodbye Championship'."I said. Korra stops and looks at me, "Yep. I owe them and it really means a lot to them. Do you think you have money to spare?" She says to me.

I sighed and get up, "Sorry, Korra. As much as I want to help, this is something you and the other two have to work for." I tell her. Korra looks disappointed but accepts. "Well, thanks anyway." I nod and soon an Air acolyte comes to inform us it's lunchtime. Korra and I walk together and talk some more. After lunch I head to my room to rest and take a nap.

Time Skip: Few Hours Later

I walk around the island until I saw Korra. She was with a guy wearing a red scarf and I realized he must have been one of her friends. I walk over to them, "Hey, Korra. Who's this?" I ask. The two look at me, "Oh! Uh, (Y/N)! This is Mako and he says Bolin has been gone for a while." Korra explains and introduces Mako. I lend out my hand to him, "Nice to meet you, Mako." I greet. He shakes my hand, "Nice to meet you too. But I need to find my brother so can't talk for long." He states.

Okay straight to business. I can respect that. "So, when did you last see him?" I question him. He thinks for a moment, "At the arena, but he probably went to do tricks with Pabu." He says. "And you know where he would be?" I ask. "Maybe." He responds.

"I Got It!" We look at Korra. She looks embarrassed and compose herself. "I-I mean, Naga could help if we reach a dead end." She says. I smile at the idea. "Who's Naga?" Mako asks.

A little while later, we travel the streets on the back of Naga. Me sitting behind Mako while Korra held the the reins. "So you're best friend is...a polar dog. Why am I not surprised?" Mako states. I laugh and we soon arrive at the place. I look at the statue of Lord Zuko and pay my respects. Mako walks up to a kid and make conversation. Albeit, the kid only talks when he gets money. "And there's this big fight involving the Triple Threats, the Agni Kais, and all the other gangs. Shady Shin offered huge cash to Bolin if he'd help." The kid explains.

While we were heading to the place, Korra made conversation, "So, why would Bolin go with Shady Shin?" She asks Mako. "Well, you know we live in the arena. But it wasn't always like that." He starts. I immediately knew what he was saying, "Wait, you worked with the Triple Threats?" Korra stopped Naga, "You were criminals?!" She says. "No! We just did some errands for them. A fire bender broke into our home and killed my and Bolin's parents. We lived on the streets and we had to survive. It hasn't been easy." Mako explains.

I felt bad for him, but we still had to find Bolin. We saw a red panda ferret and Naga chased him, "No Naga! Pabu's a friend not a snack." Korra told her companion. We soon arrive at the destination, but when we entered no one was in sight and we heard noises outside. We rushed out and saw Bolin and in a car tied up. They drove off and Mako ran after them. Korra whistle for Naga and I got on with her and grabbed Mako.

Korra was able to knock two of the kidnappers off their motorcycles with earth bending and a battle ensure. Korra and Mako used their bending while I brought out my knife. But then Korra got hit but not hard, however, when she tried to bend she couldn't. "I can't bend. I can't bend!" One of them tried to hit me, but I dodged and delivered an uppercut to them. They got on their bikes and drove away.

I went to check on Korra and Mako walks over. "You okay?" He asks. "I'm fine, but my bending." I lay a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry. It'll come back, but those must have been Equalists." I said. "Equalists?" Mako asks. "There this new group of non-benders that strive for equality. I didn't think about it much, but if they know chi-blocking and taken Bolin along with the Triple Threats. This may be more serious than I thought." I explain, now worried.

In the morning, Korra brought us to the park where she saw a man supporting the Equalists. She and Mako layed against Naga and they fell asleep. I smirked at the scene and sat crossed-legged with my back to them, Pabu on my lap. We waited for hours and the man finally arrived.

Time Skip: Night

After finding out about the 'Revelation' and the location, we got some clothes to disguise ourselves. When we entered the building we saw a lot of people and it began. But then a man with a mask appears. I heard that his name is Amon. He gave off a very creepy aura and I look over at Korra, she looks frightened.

"My fellow brothers and sisters, for years bending has been the prime source of misery and hurt. It has harm the world over and over, again and again. It is the source of every war and every conflict. But I have worked for years to rid the world of bending. To equalize the world and the people. The spirits have talked to me and have given me the ability to take away ones bending. Permanently." Amon announces. 

Korra flinches, "But that's impossible." She says. Mako and I share a look and look at Korra. "And to demonstrate, I will start with the leader of the Triple Threat Triads." Our attention goes back to the stage to find Lightning Bolt Zolt. His bindings are removed and he immediately shoots lightning at Amon, but the masked man dodged and makes Zolt kneel.

Amon raises his hand and places his thumb on Zolt's forehead and his lightning reverts to fire and soon enough extinguishes. Zolt collapses and when he tries to fire at Amon, nothing comes out. He did it. He took away bending and for the first time since I met her, Korra had true terror on her face. "And now that you have seen my ability, I plan to rid the world of bending. Forever!" Amon says and the crowd cheers. Equalists bring out more Triple Threats and Bolin is at the end of the line.

"We gotta get Bolin out of there." Mako whispers. "But how?" Korra asks. I look and find pipes, "Hey, sees those pipes?" I point. "Korra, you can create a smoke screen and Mako and I can rescue Bolin." I explain my plan. Korra nods and moves her way through the crowd, "Be careful." Mako tells her. She looks back and nods and continues.

We wait anxiously, "Come on." Mako says. I grab my knife and when Bolin was about to be grabbed, mist envelopes the room and we make our move. Mako distracts them while I cut Bolin free. We make it outside but got ambushed. A mustache man with batons knocks down the brothers but I dodge most of his attacks until he shocks me. "You benders' time are coming to an end and you," He points at me, "You should be on our side." I just glare at him.

But then he gets knocked into a wall by earth and I look to find Korra. "My time isn't over yet." She helps me up and calls Naga. We get Mako and Bolin and escape.

After we got the boys to the arena, we went back to Air Temple Island. But Korra looks uneasy. I lay a hand on her shoulder and massage her gently. She places her hand on mine and we spent the rest of the trip in silence.

When we arrived we search for Dad and find him talking to two members of the White Lotus. He turns back to find us and sends the members away, "Thanks goodness, you two are okay. I was just about to send a search party." He says. I look at him and he notice me and Korra's worry, "What's wrong? Did you find your friend?" He asks. "Yes. But," I said.

"But we were at an Equalist rally. And we saw Amon." Korra explains. "What?" Dad says concerned. "And he can take away bending." Korra finishes. "But that's impossible. Only the Avatar has ever have that ability." Dad counters. I had been holding myself back but I run to Dad and hug him tightly. "It's true Dad. We saw it. I was so scared." My voice cracked as tears escape and Dad hugs me back, "It's okay, (Y/N). You're safe now, along with you Korra." He reassures us. But Korra rests her hands on the rails, looking at the city.

"But if Amon can take away bending and his Equalists are out there," Korra says. I pull away from Dad but his hand grips my shoulder. "I understand what you're saying Korra." We stand next to her. "As of right now, Republic City is nearing the brink of war." War. That's the last thing I or anyone else want.

But I won't let Amon win. I wipe my tears away and put on a determine face. I. Will Not. Let. Him. Win.

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