
He took another step closer, giggling at my lowly yelps.

'I don't care. Throw me in. Assault. Threatening. Blackmail. Emotional distress. You're getting at least 5 months, Blondie.'

'Ah, there she is. The lawyer Shinae.' He smiled at me, holding me firmly in his arms

The light from the street didn't illuminate much, but it's enough for me to see the smile that makes me slightly nervous.

'Are you gonna carry me home?' I joke as my hands rest around his neck

'I don't get paid enough for that.' He joked back and helped me down, placing me on the floor securely

I figured we'd just keep walking, but he just sat down on the wall, letting his legs dangle above water as he looked at the dark distance sprinkled with small lights. 'I passed by here about a million times and I never actually stopped to look at it.'

'This is about the only reason why I walk to yours and back.' I sat down next to him, but I didn't let my legs down to hang. I pulled them up and hugged them, leaning my chin on my knee. 'It's nice and calming.'

'And then you come to the most chaotic household in the area. Great plan.' He giggled softly

'Your chaos is also calming. It's a good kind of chaos.' I turned so my cheek was on the knee, only to look at him, and he was already looking at me, gently smiling

'Is it that bad at home?'

'Hmm.' A humming scoff I let out was probably explanation enough, but it felt nice to have someone to talk to about this, so I decided to be honest. 'I despise being at home. I am alone even when I'm not alone. Those two who are supposed to be my parents barely even notice my existence. These days they only speak to me about the marriage. And not to mention that they turned our place into a brothel. It's just too much at times.'

'This... this marriage thing. Are you going to do it?' His voice was all soft and quiet, like he's trying not to hurt me with his words

'I would much rather just jump in here and drown this very moment.'

'Please, don't. I don't want to be charged with murder.' He nudged me with his shoulder, making me let go of my knees to support myself as we both chuckled lightlty. 'Why are they even pressing it so much?'

'It's just their way of keeping the wealth. The family they want me to marry in is disgustingly rich. They have so much money that they don't know what to do with it. The worst is that they are actually good people, and the guy is a good friend of mine. But neither of us wants to do it.'

'That's a relief.' He sighed a little

'How is that a relief?' I am about to push him into the river

'That he's a friend and that he wants the same as you. Imagine if it was some awful and aggressive guy who gave you no choice.'

'Hmm... I suppose you have a point there. But... can we not talk about the marriage? Otherwise I will actually jump down.'

He snorted a little and nodded, 'What do you wanna talk about then?'

'Since when do you wanna talk about deep subjects?' I tease

'Since I don't wanna go home. I bet that little kid gremlin will be waiting up and I really can't be bothered with it.'

I tried not to laugh at his misery, but it was still funny. 'Alright. How about... You.'

'Me?' He raises an eyebrow. 'Like what?'

'Anything, really. I don't really know much about you.' I shrug

'I really don't have anything interesting to tell you, to be honest.'

'Don't be a party pooper. You wanted to talk. Talk.' I nudge him, earning a sassy tongue click from him

'Fine, fine.' He sighs. 'I'm actually from Busan. I only moved here because I got that job. I never went to college. I only finished a photography course, cause truthfully, that's all I could afford at the time, but it worked out fine. Somewhat. I don't have any siblings, but those two are kind of like brothers. Very loud ones, but you can't pick and choose.' He chuckled at his own explanation. 'And seems we got an older sister we never really asked for. Annoying one at that.'

'Oh, fuck you.' I pushed his shoulder while he laughed away his little joke

'It's okay. We've grown to like her. It gets boring without her now.' He added a bit more seriously, just smiling softly as he was looking at me

'I could say the same. You guys make my life so much better. Even with all the chaos you cause.'

'You love the chaos.' He nudged me again

'I do.'

'Come on. It's late. You need to get some rest.' He got up first, offering me his hand

I was half afraid he would do something sassy, yet I still did it. His warm, soft hand wrapped around mine firmly, and he pulled me up without a single sign of struggle.

Instead of moving, I just kept looking at him, feeling his thumb gently caress my knuckles where he was still holding my hand. His eyes darted from my eye to my other eye, then he looked lower and back into my eyes.

That same feeling from the other day was surfacing back from within me. His touch felt like it was burning through my skin, and I was afraid that my hand might get sweaty, but I couldn't let go. I didn't want to.

'Are you cold?'

I had no idea why he was asking that, but he ran his other hand over my forearm, and the goosebumps under his fingers were visible even in the dark.

'Ah, yeah. A little.' I smile, pulling my hand away from his

But I'm not cold. At all.

'Let's get going then before you freeze.'

The next few minutes were quiet, with neither of us talking as we walked. He would occasionally brush against my shoulder, although it felt like it was by accident as he'd move away instantly.

I also tried to look at him here and there, catching his profile in my vision. I always knew he was a good-looking guy, maybe a bit too good-looking, but he's pretty even from his profile. Usually, people have good and bad sides, but apparently, a bad side is not in his vocabulary.

He suddenly stopped walking, and it made me stop, too. Only then did I realize that we were in front of my house.

'Go on. Get in safe.' He smiled at me, resting his hands in his pockets

'But now you have to walk back alone at this hour. If you want to stay-'

'I doubt anyone will try to take me considering I'm not a girl, so no need to worry. I've been walking alone at later times for years. I'll be fine.'

'Right.' I nod. 'Well... thank you for walking me home.'

He pulled one hand out of his pocket and smiled as he placed it on my head, gently stroking my hair. 'Anytime. Goodnight, Shinae.'

'Mmm, night, Jimin.'

He watched me get inside and then he walked away, walking a bit faster than we walked so far.

I got myself changed and into my bed, but I couldn't close my eyes. I kept turning and spinning, and when my phone vibrated I was kind of relieved because I had nothing else to do, so whatever it is, it's good.

I haven't been kidnapped. Just thought I'd let you know before you start working a case and prosecute people. See ya around.

I chuckled at my screen, reading the message a few times. What a dork.

Thank you for letting me know. I was just starting up, but I guess there's no need. Night, night.

A weird feeling of relief washed over me and it made me a lot calmer, and surprisingly more sleepy. Maybe I was just worried about him because it was so late. But all good now.

Night, night, Blondie.

My Little Miss Lawyer |BTS JIMIN FF|Where stories live. Discover now