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"You might be the first student we've seen do that to Logan in a fair fight." Wanda said as Y/N shook his head.

"There's probably more, just the healing factor stops it before it becomes noticeable." Y/N said as he and the girls walked alongside one another. They arrived at the cantina and grabbed a meal before sitting down, with Y/N grabbing himself a few slices of Pizza and for dessert, a slice of peach pie, he got a coffee, black with two sugars.

"I'm no health freak, but that can't be good for you." Wanda remarked as Y/N smirked.

"You're also no Wolf." Y/N said as he took a bite from the pizza.

"Two sugars in coffee?"

"You'll get a full nights sleep tonight, I won't anyway." Y/N responded as he sipped his coffee. There was a brief silence as the girls all looked to one another in confusion before Kitty broke the silence.

"So, Y/N, anyone special back in Fabletown?" Kitty asked absently as Wanda and Rogue turned to look at her.

"Well, I have my family back there, my Mom, my dad, all my siblings." Y/N said before he took another bite from his pizza.

"No, I mean, do you have you know, a girlfriend, or a boyfriend back in Fabletown?" Kitty asked.

"Oh, no, no romance back home. Why?" Y/N said as he took a sip from his coffee.

"We were just curious." Kitty said as Y/N raised his eyebrow.

"Uh huh." Y/N said almost sarcastically as he looked at them.

As the four of them finished their meals, they took their trays to a small rack and put them on the rack before heading outside, the rain was beating down on them as they sighed.

"God damn it." Y/N muttered to himself as they walked along a small gravel path through the rain, heading towards the students wing of the huge mansion, the shortcut may have taken them into the rain, but it was certainly faster and easier than trying to get through the corridors at lunch time.

As they approached the entrance to the student wing, they saw a boy threatening a girl, raising his fist at her.

"Fucking watch your mouth girl. You ratted me out!" The boy said as Y/N stopped, looking to Wanda, Kitty, and Rogue.

"You three go and get a teacher." Y/N said as the girls looked at him, he walked towards the incident and stopped a few feet away from the boy.

The bully saw the girl looking past him to see the seemingly giant boy standing there. Her attacker slowly turned to see Y/N standing there looking at him menacingly.

 Her attacker slowly turned to see Y/N standing there looking at him menacingly

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"Who're you?" the bully asked.

Y/N said nothing.

"Your mom never teach you to stay out of peoples business?" the boy taunted he looked at Y/N.

Again, Y/N said nothing.

"Get out of here." the boy said as he looked at Y/N.

Yet again, Y/N said nothing.

The boy walked up to Y/N and looked up at him.

"You deaf or something? Get out of here dumbass." The boy said as Y/N looked past the boy and at the girl who had a red mark on her face. Y/N looked back at the boy for a moment. "Fuck thi-"

Before the boy could finish, Y/N pushed forward off of his back foot, sending in a headbutt, knocking the boy to the floor as the boy fell to the floor Y/N watched him crawl backwards in fear before standing up, inspecting their now bleeding nose.

Before the boy could finish, Y/N pushed forward off of his back foot, sending in a headbutt, knocking the boy to the floor as the boy fell to the floor Y/N watched him crawl backwards in fear before standing up, inspecting their now bleeding nose

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He stood up and took a swing at Y/N who took the punch in stride before delivering a right hook to the boys jaw, holding back on his strength so as to not kill the boy. Y/N grabbed the boy and ragged him by the collar, practically throwing him a few feet away from the girl before walking towards them, the rain seemingly getting worse as Y/N approached the boy. Y/N delivered a punch right on the boy's nose, knocking them out just before the teachers arrived.

Y/N left the scene, walking to a nearby restroom and running his hand under a tap for a few minutes before stepping out into the corridor.

"You know, most people aren't so loud with their thoughts." Xaviers voice said as Y/N turned to look at him.

"Most people can't read minds either." Y/N said as Charles smirked. "Something I can help you with, Professor?"

"Oh, I think we both know why I'm here Mr Wolf." Charles said as Y/N went to speak. "One doesn't need to be able to read minds to know why I'm here. Let's talk in my classroom."

Y/N sighed to himself before following Xavier through the corridors, with people watching with interest as he walked past them. Wanda, Rogue and Kitty were waiting outside the professors office, all looking at Y/N with something resembling concern, the door opened and Y/N entered the classroom alongside the professor, with the door closing behind them, Wanda used her magic to try and listen through Y/N's mind.

"You're welcome to a seat Y/N." Charles said as Y/N shook his head.

"I'm fine standing, Professor." Y/N said as he stood there waiting for whatever punishment was heading his way...

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