39. - A Village in The Woods.

Start from the beginning

I thought.

'On the note of worrying... Sages' Wisdom, anything new?'

[Overworld Detection] has not picked up any traces of malicious or suspicious activity or intent.

So we're in the clear for now...
That's good. We don't need to run into trouble at the moment, no thank you.

    Another while passed, until eventually we reached a very, very thick wall of trees that created a large circle. So large, seeing the whole thing from my position was impossible.

I looked at the child as she slithered up to what looked like two massive gates, before knocking.
Seconds later, the gate opened, as another gorgan peaked through - only this one was dressed in armour.

Most likely a guard.

[Gorgan Guard] "Oh! Ms.Perl! Where have you been? You're parents are dead worried about you."

Ms? Why did he just refer to as—

[Perl] "I'm sorry... But I'm fine. Mr.Snake over there helped me."

She pointed towards me, as the Gorgan Guard looked over. He seemed to be a bit vary at first, however then slithered out of the gates and up to me.

[Gorgan Guard] "Please, accompany me... Uh..."

Is he trying to think of how to refer to me..?
I mean, I don't blame him. I wasn't exactly trying to appear as a human or something with a name.. So it's no suprise he wouldn't know how to refer to me.

[Perl] "No need to be so formal! Please, follow me Mr.Snake!"

She waved to me, entering the gates.

[Gorgan Guard] "M-Ms.Perl! Wait..!"

The guard quickly slithered after the child.
Well... What now? I should probably get the hell out of here before I get dragged into some trouble.

Even though the guard didn't have any malicious intent and even tried to invite me to accompany him inside - was it the wisest idea for a monster like me to enter this place?

Analysis suggests that Gorgans and other Serpent species get along well and are usually peaceful to one another.

So I should be fine?


Well... I guess I have no other choice.
Leaving just like that would be rather rude of me... So I guess I'll just head inside and meet this childs parents before dipping.

I sighed, before slightering towards the gates and then through the open gap, before closing them with my tail behind me.

     Inside, was a sight I was never expecting. There was a whole.. town? No, it was a bit too small.. Perhaps 'village' would be the better word to describe it.

It was a village - and a large one that had houses from the ground bottom, all the way up to the tree highs.

More importantly...
All of it's citizens were gorgans.

As I slowly admired the place, two gorgans approached me - who also seemingly were guards.

[Gorgan Guard 1] "We were informed to escort you to the elders house. Please, follow us."

One of the guards stated, before both of them turned around and began to slither off. I was a bit hesitant at first, however a moment later, I just slithered after the two guards.

As I followed the two 'escorts', I could catch how the villages citizens were all beginning to stare at me - each stare different from the last.

Some were surprised and rather shocked, while others were simply startled - most likely because I wasn't like them or any other 'human' like species.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now