Max X Yuki - Versnoda?

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Requested by @Alphab0ss

One of the only things they had in common was the fact that they drove for Red Bull teams. Max was in the official Red Bull team whilst Yuki was in the Red Bull owned team Alpha Tauri. Meanwhile there are a lot of differences between the two there from 2 different continents, different heights, different types of love for each other.

Yuki adores the Dutchman, his love overflowing in his heart spilling out so much that the fans were shipping them like crazy, so much that it became trending everywhere Lestappen being thrown out the window fanfics being made at a rapid pace.

Max has more of a reserved love for the small boy, jealous and unknowing. He's always been like that, he's never known when someone has a crush on him and never known when he has a crush on someone.

Yuki being at least more extraverted then Max and more realising, he knew about his crush and waited. He waited until he couldn't stand the thought of his crush anymore, he just had to tell Max about his crush on him he might not live if he held it off any longer. So that's where he is, wiping the nonexistent sweat from his forehead before calming down and knocking on the door. Luckily Pierre knew about his crush and agreed to come along especially if Max rejected him so that they could do the classic truth or dare save.

Yuki looked over at Pierre nodding his head telling him to continue. Taking a deep breath Yuki knocked on the door taking a step back to make sure he isn't too close to the door. Max opened the door looking a bit down to see the Japanese driver.
"Oh hello Yuki, what's up?" Max smiled, Yuki's confidence rising because of the brightness of his smile.
"Oh-um I just wanted to-uh, ask if you'd be my boyfriend or at least go out on a date with me?" Yuki said playing with his hands and looking at his feet.
"Im sorry what?" Max's smile was still there lop-siding a bit but just a lot more confused this time.
"Would you go out with me?" Yuki looked at Max this time his voice getting a bit higher at the end.
"I'm sorry Yuki but I don't feel that way about you," Max's smile was gone just a blank impression. That was Pierre's cue.
"Ha don't worry about it mate, me and Yuki were playing truth or dare I had to ask Esteban out," Pierre was laughing with Yuki 'laughing' tears pricking in his eyes.
"Oh alright then," Max was not convinced but still gave a chuckle.
"Alright we'll see you later yeah?"
"Yeah no problem bye guys," and with that Max closed the door and Pierre and Yuki left to go to the Alpha Tauri hospitality.

Yuki flopped on his bed going into a fetal position before crying into his knees. Pierre sat next to Yuki stroking his shoulder trying to console the heartbroken man.
Max was worse grabbing a chair and throwing it across the room.
"What the f*ck, stupid truth or dare," he was practically pulling out his hair after that.

It had been 2 weeks since Yuki asked Max out, his crush was still there but he was just trying to distract himself from the rejection hanging out with Pierre a lot more recently. Max was watching his every move with Pierre glaring at the Frenchman any time he got without cameras being shoved in his face or anyone noticing.

There was a video with the Red Bulls teams that they HAD to film, meaning Max had to be near Pierre and Yuki, it was a relatively easy video finishing up quite early but Max wasn't finished. He dragged Yuki away the jealousy obvious in his eyes.
"Uh Max are you ok?" Yuki was blushing just a tint of pink on his cheeks as he got dragged away. Max never said anything just looked ahead as he walked towards his driver room, leaving Pierre and Checo to look at each other with a knowing look.

They got to Max's room and he slammed the door shut shoving Yuki up against it.
"What the f*ck is going on with you and Pierre? You two are all over each other recently, is it because I said I didn't like you? Are you trying to make me jealous, all another dare?" Max was demanding an answer face close to Yuki's with his face heating up more the light pink changing to more of a hot pink.
"Uh-no?" Yuki probably wouldn't be able to get out many words, just being so close to Max being able to smell his cologne was doing stuff to his mind.
"Well Yuki?" Max was still forcing Yuki to answer him.
"No, I'm being honest me and Pierre are just good friends, if there's anything wrong with someone it's you! What's wrong with you?" Yuki said genuinely concerned for the world champion.

Max sighed letting go of Yuki, running a hand through his hair. Before bringing his hand down to Yuki's gently stroking his face. Yuki crooned, leaning into Max's hand opening his eyes when he felt Max closer to Yuki. He opened them just in time to see Max lean in taking Yuki into a sweet and passionate kiss. Yuki leaned in as well wrapping his arms around Max's shoulders. They let go after a while but never backed away.
"But I thought you didn't like me like that?" Yuki asked.
"I was a fool to never realise my crush on you,"

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