Nodding, the toddler giggled when Graham tickled her. "Yes. Look Graham, my hair is all pretty?" She said happily when Regina was done braiding her hair. She twirled around slightly to show off.

"Wow, it's very pretty indeed. You ever gonna cut it?" He asked curiously and looked at Regina who shoke her head.

"No, we are not cutting it." The brunette told him and smiled. She kissed Rosalie's head and then bend down to her level. "Now, you'll be a good girl and listen to Graham." She told her daughter and kissed her cheek.

"I will, Mama." The little blonde answered and grabbed her back pack. "I'm ready." She said and went to get her shoes on and then went with Graham.

As they walked to the station, they passed the play ground and Rosalie looked longingly at the other kids who were playing together. She wished she could have friends and got to school like everyone else. However, she knew her Mama wouldn't be happy about that.

Graham noticed what she was looking at and sighed. He wished Regina would let Rosalie be a happy and carefree kid like everyone else but that wouldn't happen any time soon sadly. "So your birthday is coming up in a few months. Do you already have a wishlist?" He questioned as they continued to walk.

The little blonde thought about it and nodded. "I want a bike. And a puppy or kitten. Or a bunny. " she answered after a moment of thinking. "And I wanna go to school like all the other kids." She added softly and sighed. She knew her mother wouldn't like any of the wishes.

Graham nodded and sighed too. Those were typical wishes for a child her age but he knew what Regina would say. Riding a bike was too dangerous but if Rosalie wanted it he would get her one and teach her. The girl deserved to have some normality in her life. "Well you know your mama doesn't want you to get hurt. But I will talk to her, okay?" He told her and smiled gently at her.

"Okay." She answered and got inside the station with with.


Rosalie wiped her tears away as she looked at the grave one more time before leaving. She knew she couldn't stay in this miserable, sad state forever but it was hard to push through without Alex by her side. She wasn't sure if she could go back to New York without him. Everything just seemed lost.

When she had finally gathered her thoughts she went to the diner. She walked in and looked around. It wasn't very busy since it was only 11am. She sat down in a booth and flipped through the menu though she already knew what she wanted to get.

Ruby spotted her and walked over to her booth. "Hey, Rosie. How are you feeling?" She asked as she hugged her friend. She could already guess that Rosie wasn't feeling good but tried to keep it together.

"Not good but I'll get there." She admitted since there was no need to act like she was fine. Everyone could tell that she wasn't fine and with Ruby she didn't need to act strong.

The brunette nodded in understanding and looked at her with a sympathic look. She knew Rosie needed her right now. "Can I get you anything? I could take the rest of the day off and we could do a movie day." She suggested to her since that usually cheered her up.

"I'll just have my usual hot chocolate with cinnamon. And yeah that sounds good." The blonde replied and gave her a small smile. She wasn't sure she could ever be the same again after losing Alex. But she could at least try to distract herself. She knew she could always count on Ruby to have her back even when she got in trouble.


Storybrooke, a few years ago:

"Come on, Rosie. You have to come. Everyone will be there." Ruby said as she looked at her friend while they sat together in Rosalie's room. Her mother and Henry weren't home yet so it was save to have Ruby over.

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