Fulton pt.2

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Y:I'm good!
F:that's good! Do you want to go get some ice cream with me because I'm kind of wanting ice cream..

Y:yeah please that sounds so amazing!

-you guys go and get ice cream with each other-

-Fulton smiles at you and holds your hand he walks around the town with you enjoying his time with you before you guys had to go back to your dorm but his friends asked if they could stay the night and some girls asked if they could stay the night...

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-Fulton smiles at you and holds your hand he walks around the town with you enjoying his time with you before you guys had to go back to your dorm but his friends asked if they could stay the night and some girls asked if they could stay the night as well you agreed to this and you walked back to your dorm got out your keycard-

-you unlocked your room door and walked in as well as the boys and girls-

Y:follow me boys

-they all follow you and walk up to a room you give them all keycards to the room for the boys inside your room-

-they all follow you and walk up to a room you give them all keycards to the room for the boys inside your room-

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Y:boys this will be your bedroom for the night

-they all smile and thank you for the room that you gave them than you give the girls a keycard and walk the girls over to their room before you did you showed them where snacks are and than took them to their room-

-they all smile and thank you for the room that you gave them than you give the girls a keycard and walk the girls over to their room before you did you showed them where snacks are and than took them to their room-

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Y:this is your room girls

Pt.3 soon


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