What Happened

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Sophie was rushed in through the ER doors own carrying her 'I need some help here' he yelled Bailey looked and ran over 'Oh my god someone page the Cheif and get Shepherd and Mark down here's she yelled as Cristina looked Oh my god' she said as she went to go help Teddy was in the process of having g an interview when he was called away so came down with him 'Oh my God' she said covering her mouth 'Teddy she needs you' Owen said. She quickly nodded and grabbed a stethoscope off of one of the interns  'Portable ultrasound stat' she called Sadie brought one in helping them work not giving anything away

Derek and mark came down and helped them and got her down to the OR  after looking at the scan's Meredith was up in the gallery watching Sadie comforting her as four attending s work on a lacerated liver broken ribs a brain on the bleed and fluid around the heart. They were in surgery for around 10hrs

By this time Arizona had found out and ran to the ICU 'why was I not paged she said panicking 'hat the hell happened to her who did this' she said Mark looked at her. 'no one knows the police have viewed the CCTV' he said looking at her they couldn't see anything' he said 'The only way we find out is if she wakes up' Derek said 'If If!' Arizona shouted 'She arrested twice during surgery it's just a waiting game' Teddy said Arizona wiped her eyes and walked into the room holding her hand Teddy was with her 'you guys go work we will watch her' she said as they left

Teddy looked at the other blonde 'You like her' Arizona looked wide eyed 'I don't know... sort of ... ' she said as she ran her thumb over Sophie's knuckles watching her face 'she doesn't want a relationship' Teddy laughed slightly 'She does... she's told me all about you' she said 'What was it Miss Blondie?' She said Arizona let out a laugh shaking her head

Teddy held her other hand and was talking to the pair of them 'Richard was going to give Soph the Cheif of Cardio' she said Arizona's eyes went wide 'Do you think she will accept?' Arizona asked as the other blonde nodded 'Sophie has always been pushing herself to do better to be stronger to be wiser' she said 'she's like 10 years younger than me and Owen but we both look up to her like she's our big sister the one we go to for advice' she said Arizona just listened and nodded 'She's special to me .. maybe one day we will get together ... I'm falling for her ' Teddy looked 'she will catch you' she said softly yeah she's tattooed she acts all tough but she's soft as shit you'll need to tell her she bottles stuff up' teddy said as she stood up I'll come back and check on her in a bit' she said as she left

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