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Sunlight streamed through the nursery window, painting golden stripes across Hyder's face. He watched, captivated, as his daughter, Aayat, gurgled and cooed in her sleep, tiny fists clenched around a stuffed butterfly. Her mother, Naazia, slept beside him, the curve of her cheek softened by a smile. A warmth, familiar and deep, bloomed in his chest. This, this was his universe, his everything.

It hadn't been easy. The scars of his past, once jagged and raw, had slowly faded into soft reminders of battles fought and won. Therapy, laughter shared with Naazia, and the sheer, raw joy of fatherhood had woven a tapestry of healing.

He hadn't forgotten the shadows, but he no longer feared them. They were whispers in the corners of his mind, easily drowned out by the symphony of Aayat's giggles and Naazia's playful scolding.

He remembered the therapist's words, spoken on a day much like this, bathed in the golden light of dawn. "You are a warrior, Hyder. A protector. You built a haven for your family, brick by emotional brick."

He glanced at Naazia, her dark hair cascading over the pillow, her face serene. She, the artist, had brought colour to his grey world. She had believed in him even when he doubted himself, loved him for all his flaws, and together, they had created something beautiful.

A tiny hand twitched, Aayat's eyes fluttering open. Her gaze, the same shade of hazel as Naazia's, met his, and the world dissolved into a kaleidoscope of wonder. He scooped her up, the weight of her nestled against his chest a source of immense strength.

"Baba," she cooed, her smile a gummy crescent moon.

"Baat kar loti hai meri pari?" he crooned, his heart overflowing.

The world outside was a blur of sleepless nights, diaper changes, and endless lullabies. But within their little haven, joy reigned supreme. Hyder, once a prisoner of his past, was now a king in his own right, his kingdom ruled by love, laughter, and the boundless wonder of tiny fingers curled around his heart.

As Naazia joined them, her eyes warm with a love so familiar it brought tears to his eyes, Hyder knew he was exactly where he was meant to be. He was home. He was loved. And he was whole.

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