Chapter 252: Nanny and the Alpha Daddy

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"She's so precious," Sophia said, pinching Daisy's chubby little cheek. "She looks just like you when you were a baby."

The reception was raucous and full of life and music. Surprisingly, Daisy was cheerful and smiling throughout the entire thing, and didn't cry once.

I smiled as Sophia doted on her. It seemed as though everyone was doting on her, but I didn't mind. It made me happy to sit with my husband and show off our baby, even if it took up the entire night. It was, after all, the first time that most of them met her.

"I can't wait for Daisy to get big so she can play with me," Ella said as she stood between Edrick and I and proudly held her little sister's tiny hand. "But mom says that she's too little now to play cops and robbers."

Sophia laughed. "Well, the other kids from the orphanage want to play with you," she said, pointing at the gaggle of children that were playing on the lawn.

Ella looked over at me curiously. I nodded, and watched with a smile as she ran off to join her friends.

"Well?" Jolene asked as she came up to us with a glass of champagne in her hand. "What do you think? Best wedding ever?"

Jolene, a spirited and kind older woman, had become a fast friend since I joined her foundation.

And, Jolene was the one who went to all the trouble to plan our wedding.

"It's amazing," I replied dreamily, bouncing Daisy in my lap while she gurgled happily and played with my necklace. "Really, Jolene. We can't thank you enough."

Jolene chuckled and leaned forward, pinching Daisy's cheek. I was convinced that Daisy would have a permanent red spot on her little cheek from everyone pinching it, but she didn't seem to mind.

"All any of us want is for you both to be happy," she said, glancing over at Sophia, who nodded in agreement. I had to blink back tears of joy as they both hugged me.

Between Jolene, Sophia, Mia, and even Selina, I finally felt as though I had a group of real friends; people who genuinely cared for me, and I cared for them.

I felt Edrick's arm slip around me as Sophia and Jolene walked away. He leaned over and kissed my temple. His sweet scent filled my nostrils and made my body relax. As fun as our wedding was, I couldn't wait to get home and spend some alone time with Edrick.

We planned to spend our honeymoon in Europe for a week with just the two of us. It terrified me to leave Ella and Daisy behind, but I knew that Selina and the maids would take excellent care of them. For the first time, it would just be Edrick and I together without any distractions.

"Hmm..." I looked down at Daisy and smelled her sweet baby scent. "When should we have another?"

Edrick blushed. "Give it time," he teased. "Although... Maybe soon."

I chuckled.
"I meant what I said earlier, during my vows," Edrick said, leaning close so that I could hear him over the music. "When I said that I always knew it was you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Did you really?" I asked, as I bounced Daisy in my lap and listened to her happy gurgles.

Edrick nodded. "Of course. That day at the maze, I picked up your scent. I knew that it had to belong to my mate... I guess it took a little time for me to stop being such a jerk and admit it, but I always knew."

A smile came across my lips as I leaned my head on Edrick's shoulder.

Just then, the orchestra began playing a different song. It was soft and slower than the last one, and I found myself humming along to it.
Edrick suddenly stood and held out his hand.

"Let's dance," he said with a smile.

"But Daisy—"

"Bring her, too."

I smiled as I followed Edrick out onto the dance floor. We held Daisy between us as we came close together and began to sway along to the music.

It wasn't very long before Ella's little body suddenly pressed itself between our legs. She held her arms up for her father, and with a grin he picked her up with one arm while still keeping his other arm around me.

Together, the four of us moved to the music.
We were a little family at last, and I was the happiest woman on the planet.


Thanks for reading, I kept my promise to post two chapters a day and I'm happy with it. I remind you for those who have not read the first chapter (go read it btw (⚠️⚠️⚠️)), I did not write this story, but it was a pleasure to post it every day. I would like to thank everyone who posted comments, those who subscribed, and those who liked the chapters!!

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