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Amelia Ford P.O.V

"You not going to help me, Queen?" Montae asked me as he sat the game up not even three feet from me on the flat screen for the guys to play. She tried wiggling away but he trapped her in between his feet not allowing her to move away from him. Walking over to him picking her up from the floor he opened his legs picking Queenie chunky self up and hugging her. It had only been a week since I last saw her.
Listening to her talk to herself as I stepped over the bag the game came out of. Only to be pulled back next to him standing there his tall slimmer frame just standing there.

"I missed you." He said to me as she talked over him trying to look over her shoulders to find someone. Lauren is cooking but went outside to let her brother taste the wing's flavor before she made a big batch. I stacked sandwiches nervous to see montae who didn't like me near Rome. Then he kissed me I knew he was just running game but part of me like that for once in my life someone was talking to me and not at me. I know what I said earlier about hurting his girlfriend I should have stopped it but he really came on to me. 

"You know I'm sorry I was mad I posted the video by mistake?" Coming out of my gaze to see him on the floor looking at me. How was it a mistake and how was he mad at me for anything? I have never done anything but what he told me to do. Nodding my head not knowing what to say my eyes glanced over Queenie who talked and talked. The door opened and thankfully Lauren came back so I could leave with her back to help. Making eye contact with her as she entered with Max glued to her hip.

"I want us to start over I'm not going to hurt you. You can trust me I'm done with social media."

"They deciding what they want for dinner you better go tell them what you want. Amel I told them we want Chinese food."

"I'll go when I'm done talking." He told her. Looking at me to say something to get myself out of this uncomfortable situation.

"We need to work this out, Amelia I'm walking around here hurting sad, and depressed I need you back." Rolling my lips in not wanting to tell him yes or no. 
"Amelia I'm talking to you." Nodding my head yeah I know that he is talking to me but I didn't want to be with me.

"Then we back together." He said to me getting up and taking a seat next to me as my eyes stayed in his original seat. Twisting my head back to him kissing my lips roughly as he held my face.Pulling away from him after the kiss.

"Yeah," I said as Queenie scrunch a bit like she was pooping. Taking her from me as he went to clean her up.

"Friend you dumb," Lauren said to me as she came into the room with her face turned up.


"Why would you say yes, he's cheated on you over and over again. Then he's always pulling and grabbing on you. Next, he going to be whooping your ass. You need to break up with his ass he got a damn baby on the way."

"Who?" the guy from earlier asked her coming in with food and Don and Rome talked to one another.

"Nothing we just talking." Lauren said to him snatching the pizza and bag from him only for him to follow her talking. I stood as a statue standing here frozen as they made themselves comfortable to the game. Coming back from the bathroom passing me the baby back before returning to the guys.

"Now you back to babysitting he only got back with you because that hoe ain't helping him like you was." Lauren waved me over to her to fuss some more.

"Lauren can we table this for later." I asked quietly.

"I need your help you can't hold a baby and set food." Taking the baby to Don as he just let her slide down his lap onto the floor. Hearing the video game start.

"Why the fuck you give her ass our food nigga." Hearing Rome ask his voice was rougher than usual.

"We eating together that's why."

"She wanted me to." Seeing him walking over to the counter that the food sat on.

"I told y'all to hire someone. You wanted to be cheap I'll seat you some aside." opening the box of pizza and pulling a few slices out for us to have.

"Meli you eating with me?" Taking the paper plates and leaving the kitchen allowing us to eat alone.

"Go your man waiting on you." she nudged me as the guy from earlier strolled in holding a plate while the others played the game.

"Where's the beer kid?" Watching Lauren's eyes follow him to the fridges before turning around smirking at her.

"Come on too many clowns in here." She said picking her plate up dragging me up the staircase to her room.

"You know him?"

"He took my virginity." My eyes widened surprised I didn't know why I assumed she was a virgin. I think Don was her first like his brother was mine.

"I thought Don- stop talking when the door opened and Dontae walked in laying on the bed between us. We hadn't even turned the TV on we sat awkwardly with the news she shared. 

"Fuck y'all leave a nigga fa?" He asked picking her pizza up biting it slowly eating as she flipped the TV on stopping on vh1.

"Stop I told you I hate that."

"What don't you hate." He said to her as he turned to me.

"You and Mont work things out?" He questioned me making me look at him as he laid there.

"Can we talk alone we coming back out?" She dismissed him from her bedroom leaving us alone to finish talking about her and the guy. Getting up checking did he had left or was sitting by listening and coming back over to the bed.

"I knew his ass had a hidden agenda because why would montae want to be here with you and my brother flirting."

"I'm not flirting with your brother."

"Amelia you are missing the bigger picture he set this up for you to get back with him."

"He wasn't going to let me go no way, Lauren. But tell me about your first guy?"

"Girl Ant black ass took my virginity last year when I was 17 he was 21. One weekend Ro went out of town with his girlfriend he came over to check on me and we did it. You better not tell Rome I'm not playing." Twisting our pinkies together promising not to tell.

"Why would you agree to date montae again you always seem so nervous around him. Plus he got a baby on the way Amelia you are 18 you haven't even lived yet. If Ant or Don had a baby on the way it would be over."

"It feels like a trauma bond." I shrug the idea off me.

"What trauma you got Amelia you have a good life. You live with your mother who is always around you always well-dressed hair done. Plus you live in the damn burbs and your mom drives a fucking Benz." Why did it feel like judgment from a friend who thought she knew my whole life.

"Just because that's how you see my life down mean that's how I live."

"Amelia your biggest struggle is speaking up." She waved her hand at me.

"Say the girl that up and left home to move in with her brother that spoils her."

"My point spoil kid to spoil kid your life ain't that hard. I think you just looking for sympathy that's why you are with him."

"Lauren you don't know my life and if you told me I didn't know yours I would listen to my supposed best friend." I said packing my bag of clothes to leave the house.

"And where are you going to go you don't have a car."

"I'm sure someone will feel sorry for me and will take me to my mansion." I said walking out of her room.

"Bye." Walking downstairs to see the guys busy playing montae looked at me with a smile. I guess me holding my bag and coat he got the hint.

"Ready to go." Nodding my head yeah I wanted to go home.


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