Chapter 39: May Your Soul...Find Peace!

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We managed to drag Haru away and now we're back to West Gangbuk High

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We managed to drag Haru away and now we're back to West Gangbuk High. Just like when I passed out after Jaeha's ambush, he laid down the T-shaped desks while Hyeondong carried out an acupuncture procedure.

Well, I just let him have his fun. He's passionate about it too.

Around this time, Haru's going to wake up after having a nightmare about the guy ranked 2nd from North Gangbuk.

I'm still curious about the guys in the North, considering I have no sufficient information from future chapters anymore. Unless the webtoon app in my phone is still functioning in accordance of the past life I had.

Haru blinked his eyes open in an instant, a few seconds passed as he stared up the ceiling before trying to sit upright. "Where am—"

"Oh. Don't get up yet." Hyeondong told him while seriously lighting up a...needle? Yeah, of course, it's acupuncture alright.

Anyways, I silently stood in a corner where Haru won't notice my presence yet.

Hyeondong continued his explanation. "Your treatment is not yet complete. I've been studying acupuncture on the side to help serve my liege."

What a dedicated lad.

"Oh,'s just that I had a nightmare—" Haru paused for a moment, finally realizing something is off. "Hold on, where am I?"

Now that's my cue for a dramatic entrance. I turned around as I walked from the side to reach the window. Standing like a model posing for a magazine shoot, I have a serious expression plastered to my face.

"This is West Gangbuk High. You passed out so we carried you over here. We didn't do anything else, I swear, ma'am."

"Wow, Suhyeon! You're such a good person!" Hyeondong never fails to make a comment.

Meanwhile, Haru looks pissed and offended. "You shouldn't do that to anyone! And I told you, I'm not a girl." Standing up, he headed for the door in an attempt to leave.

"Ayo, you can't leave, pretty guy! You lost the bet, now you're mine!" I reminded, making him turn around to look at me with a frown.

"No thanks. Who cares about a stupid bet? I refuse."

Woah, this kid got guts.

Inhaling sharply, I activated the Silver Tongue card and exhaled. "Kid, are you sure about that? This is for your own good." I stepped forward infront of him with a serious expression. Meanwhile, he just stared at me.

"You're only 17 years old, right? If you're young, you need to dream a little bigger. Don't tell me you're satisfied with just a little pool hall?" I clicked my tongue. "If you join my crew—"

"Fine." This is the first time I'm not annoyed that I got my words cut off by someone. "But you owe me one for this. I'll cash in later."

Well that was really effective. Can Silver Tongue become Gold Tongue if it levels up?

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